Author Archives: Konstantin

DOCX, ODT and HTML network performance tune up in Aspose.Words for Java 3.2

We are happy to present Aspose.Words for Java 3.2.

This release includes over 200 fixes and enhancements.

There are many enhancements in handling of DOCX, ODT and HTML documents. Most of these changes are copies of changes made earlier in the .NET version of Aspose.Words.

But there are also some Java specific improvements. There are performance improvements when dealing with DOCX, ODT, HTML documents and images. For example, in one test, loading an HTML document with images that are stored Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

New DOCX (Microsoft Office 2007 Open XML) fixes in Aspose.Words for Java 3.0.1.

The recently released Aspose.Words for Java 3.0.1 includes two critical DOCX bug fixes:

  1. Images resized during DOC->DOCX->DOC roundtrip under some European locales that used comma as decimal symbol.
  2. Microsoft Word 2007 SP2 reports “file was created using a newer version of Microsoft Word”.

Please visit for more info and download.Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Rich Text Format (RTF) and OpenDocument Text (ODT) are now supported in Aspose.Words for Java!

We’ve just released Aspose.Words for Java 3.0 that adds support for two new formats RTF and OpenDocument Text (ODT). Now you can load/convert/save and generate documents in these formats too.

Please visit for more info and download.Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Aspose.Words for Java 2.7.0 Released!

This MEGA FIX release contains 91 fixes and enhancements.


Aspose.Words for Java has become more tolerating of documents generated by third-party software or even to slightly corrupted documents. Such (real-world!) documents can contain strange things: image resolution that set to 0xFFFFFFFF (-1) or even Integer.MAX_VALUE, open Xml tag without closing one, bookmark start field without bookmark end and vice versa and so on.


Besides this we added few new features to this release:


  • Full DrawingML support
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Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Aspose.Words for Java 2.6.1 Released!

This release contains 7 fixes and enhancements strongly demanded by users. For more information and download check  


Next release is planned in the end of the February. This release will contain all fixes and enhancements as per .NET version 6.1.0+.

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Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Aspose.Words for Java 2.6.0 Released!

We are happy to announce that Aspose.Words for Java now supports loading of Microsoft Office 2007 Open XML (DOCX) documents!

One of the earlier releases, Aspose.Words for Java 2.4.0 introduced the ability to save documents in the Microsoft Word 2007 DOCX format. This Aspose.Words for Java 2.6.0 release makes it possible to load DOCX files. Now you can open, generate, save and convert DOCX documents. This makes Aspose.Words for Java a first document processing Java library on the market that provides Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Aspose.Words for Java 2.5.0 Released

We are proud to announce the long-awaited Aspose.Words for Java 2.5.0 release. The list of new features and fixed issues includes 124 items!

For more info and download see

 … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Aspose.Words.Java.2.4.2 Released

Only one fix included by urgent request:

Issue ID





“Unrecognized format of the form field” Exception occurs during opening document.

To download: … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Aspose.Words for Java 2.4.1 Released

This is an unusual release. Most releases of Aspose.Words for Java are fixes, improvements or new features ported from the Aspose.Words .NET baseline. But this one is Java-only release.


What’s New


  • Support for JDK1.6. Although Aspose.Words jar for JDK1.5 works fine under JVM1.6, “native” 1.6 class files can be loaded more efficiently by the Java 6 Virtual Machine. Several sources state up to 15-20% performance improvement. Therefore we now include a separate Aspose.Words jar built for JDK1.6.
  • No more external libraries. Since
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Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Aspose.Words for Java Released

We are very proud to announce that Aspose.Words for Java now supports Export to Microsoft Office 2007 Open XML (DOCX) format!

More Info

The set of DOCX features supported by Aspose.Words is comprehensive. Only the following limitations are applicable in the current version:

·      Embedded OLE objects are exported as pictures, not as OLE objects.

·      VBA projects (macros) and ActiveX controls are not exported to DOCX.

·      Embedded fonts are not exported to DOCX.

·      Continue Reading

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