Author Archives: Koala

Aspose.Chart 3.2.8 Released

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Chart 3.2.8.

  • Fixed: Custom labels are located incorrectly when AxisLabel.IsCustomLabelMarkerVisible = false.
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Posted in Oleg Korostylev |

Aspose.Chart 3.2.7 Released

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Chart 3.2.7.

Added: AxisLabel.IsCustomLabelMarkerVisible.… Continue Reading

Posted in Oleg Korostylev |

Aspose.Chart 3.2.6 Released

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Chart 3.2.6.

  • Fixed: Some axis labels are not displayed
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Posted in Oleg Korostylev |

Aspose.Chart 3.2.5 Released

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Chart 3.2.5.

  • Fixed: Exception when Pie chart, SeriesCollection.Count > 1 and DataPoints.Count = 1 in one of series
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Posted in Oleg Korostylev |

Aspose.Chart 3.2.4 Released

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Chart 3.2.4.

  • Added: AxisLabel.CustomLabelGridWidth
  • Added: DataLabelValueType.DataPointNameAndYValue2
  • Fixed: Format of axis labels incorrect when Axis.Minimum < 1000 and Axis.Maximum > 1000
  • Fixed: Formats of AxisX  labels and AxisY labels are mixed up when type of chart gantt or horizontal bars
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Posted in Oleg Korostylev |

Aspose.Chart 3.2.3 Released

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Chart 3.2.3.

  • Fixed: Data points labels are not displayed when 3D stacked bars and DataPoint.IsLabelVisible = true
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Posted in Oleg Korostylev |

Aspose.Chart 3.2.2 Released

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Chart 3.2.2.

  • Added: DataPoints.DataBindXY(IEnumerable dataPointName, string dataPointNameField, IEnumerable xValue, string xField, IEnumerable
    yValues, string yFields)
  • Added:  Series.CustomAttributes.BarWidth
  • Fixed: Data points labels are displayed only for last series when stacked bars
  • Fixed: Empty line in a legend when series is empty
  • Fixed: ChartArea.Transparence does not work for data  points labels when Line or Curve
  • Fixed: DataPoint.LabelPosition works only for Series. DefaultDataPoint and does not work in DataPoints[ * ]
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Posted in Oleg Korostylev |

Aspose.Chart 3.2.1 Released

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Chart 3.2.1.

Fixed: The width of 3D vertical bars is calculated incorrectly when Series.CustomAttributes.BarWidthRate = 1
Fixed: The width of horizontal stacked bars is calculated incorrectly when Series.Count = 2
Fixed: The data point label text of horizontal bars is calculated incorrectly
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Posted in Oleg Korostylev |

Aspose.Chart 3.1.9 Released

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Chart 3.1.9.

Added: ContourPaletteType.Custom and CustomAttributes.ContourColorPalette (see Aspose.Chart.Gallery “Contour, Custom Palette 2D” for example)
Fixed: Axis Y is scaled incorrectly for Bar chart
Fixed: The height of bars in Gantt chart is calculated incorrectly… Continue Reading

Posted in Oleg Korostylev |

Aspose.Chart 3.1.8 Released

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Chart 3.1.8.

Fixed: Chart size is calculated incorrectly when chart type is radar and axis labels is very long
Fixed: Axis.DefaultLabel.IsVisible, Axis.DefaultLabel.Font and Axis.DefaultLabel.Color do not work when chart type is radar… Continue Reading

Posted in Oleg Korostylev |