Author Archives: John Owens

Supporting user groups and events

User group iconTexas, USA – 31 August, 2011 – Aspose supports a number of local user groups and events in the US. We are keen to support interaction and innovation and sponsoring user groups is one way in which we can do this. User groups are great for individuals as well as the industry: they get people together to learn, and to exchange and spark ideas. They are forums where people who share an interest get together, learn more about technologies and discuss… Continue Reading
Posted in Developer Community Support, News Release | Tagged , , , , ,

Celebrating reaching 10,000 Customers

Sydney, Australia – August 15, 2011 – In 2010, Aspose proudly announced that their file format community had reached 100,000 registered users. This year, we are rapidly approaching 10,000 customers. That is a number worth celebrating! This is how we will mark the occasion:

  • We’re offering a  25% discount on Aspose.Total* until we
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Posted in Developer Community Support, News Release | Tagged , ,

Vote in the DevProConnections Community Choice Awards

Vote for AsposeTexas, USA – August 12, 2011 – DevProConnections collects together independent information about how to build Microsoft applications to give Microsoft developer independent advise and insight. The network focuses on practical solutions based on real-life implementations. DevProConnections covers many aspects of Microsoft development: Visual Studio, .NET Framework, Azure, Windows, Windows Server, through Office, SharePoint, SQL Server, Mobile and more.

DevproConnections runs annual community choice awards in which users nominate and then vote on their favourite companies and products. Aspose has … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family, Aspose.Total Product Family, Aspose.Cells Product Family, Aspose.Email Product Family, News Release | Tagged , , , ,

Aspose Newsletter, August 2011

Welcome to Aspose’s August Newsletter

August already! Where is 2011 going!? Well, as ever it’s been a busy time here at Aspose. Earlier this month we released Aspose.OCR for .NET which allows you to add OCR capabilities to your applications with the ease you’d expect from Aspose components. As with all new components you can download Aspose.OCR for .NET today at no additional cost if you have a valid Aspose.Total for .NET subscription.

Upgrade to Aspose.PDF for .NET V6.0 –

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Aspose ニュースレター 2011年 8月

Aspose 8月のニュースレターへようこそ

最近は、本当に毎日が忙しく、気が付くと 2011年ももう 8月を迎えています。先月初め、新製品として Aspose.OCR for .NET をリリースしました。Aspose.OCR for .NET で、簡単にアプリケーションに OCR 機能を追加できます。Aspose.Total for .NET 製品の有効なサブスクリプションをお持ちのお客様は、無償で Aspose.OCR for .NET をダウンロードして利用できます。

Aspose.PDF for .NET V6.0 へのアップグレード – Aspose.PDF.Kit for .NET と Aspose.PDF for .NET が統合されました。これで、Aspose.PDF for .NET V6.0 だけで PDF を新規に作ったり、既存の PDF を編集することができます。現在、Aspose.PDF for .NET と Aspose.PDF.Kit for .NET の有効なサブスクリプションをお持ちのお客様は、Aspose.PDF for .NET V6.0 へアップグレードしてコードを移植してください。2011年 10月以降は、Aspose.PDF for .NET と Aspose.PDF.Kit for .NET それぞれ単体での製品の提供いたしません。詳細は、こちらを参照してください

ご存知の通り、Aspose の SharePoint 製品群に新たに Aspose.Network for SharePoint 製品が追加されました。SharePoint 製品群の拡張は、多くのお客様から好評をいただいています。SharePoint に含まれるドキュメント処理機能に不満がある方は、是非、Aspose の SharePoint 製品群をお試しください。

Many thanks,

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Posted in Aspose Japan, Customer Newsletters | Tagged

Set up custom export filters for Silverlight Viewer with Aspose rendering extensions

Texas, USA – 26 July, 2011 – Online reports are crucial to many businesses. A well-planned and designed report helps readers visualize data and understand patterns in it. A good report gives insight that helps businesses make the right decisions. Considering how important understanding data is it is unsurprising that there are many powerful reporting and visualization tools on the market. Aspose creates rendering extensions for one of the most popular, Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).

Silverlight and

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Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, News Release | Tagged , , ,

Red Gate used Aspose.Total for SharePoint to convert management reports available to external advisers in PDF format

About Red Gate

Redgate company logo

Red Gate needed a simple solution for sharing management reports in a portable format with internal and external advisers. Converting spreadsheets and presentations to PDF was taking up valuable time. To streamline the process, Red Gate implemented Aspose.Total for SharePoint, giving all their users the ability to convert Microsoft Office documents to PDF with a click of button.

Red Gate chose Aspose.Total for SharePoint because it was easy to use, worked from the start and had

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Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, Aspose.Total, Success Stories | Tagged , , , , , , ,

SalamanderSoft uses Aspose.Words for SharePoint for education solutions

Glasgow, Scotland – June 14, 2011 – Information technology exists to make sharing information and performing many business tasks, from presenting data to storing records, easier.  Microsoft SharePoint is one of the many applications that aim to help businesses streamline how they store and share data. It is used by organisations large and small across the globe. One of SharePoint’s great strengths, its flexibility, also means that it can take organisations a lot of work to get the system so … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family, Case Studies, News Release | Tagged , ,

Aspose adds character recognition to their .NET toolbox with Aspose.OCR

Aspose.OCR icon

Australia, Sydney – 5 July, 2011 – Aspose.OCR for .NET is a character recognition component that allows software developers to add OCR functionality to their ASP .NET web applications, web services and Windows applications. It provides a simple set of classes for controlling character recognition tasks.

Efficient character recognition

Extracting text from Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF files is relatively simple. In those file formats the text is separate, stored as content with formatting markup. Turning images into text is … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, Aspose.OCR Product Family, News Release | Tagged , , , , ,

Continuous improvement to Aspose.Pdf for .NET creates a new product

Aspose.Pdf icon

Sydney, Australia – 1 July, 2011 – Aspose.Pdf for .NET and Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET can be used separately or together to create and edit PDF files. Aspose.Pdf for .NET allows developers to create PDF files from within their applications while Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET allows them to edit existing PDF documents. Both products are included in Aspose.Total for .NET, Aspose’s complete file management .NET program suite and are often used with other Aspose products.

Ongoing development

Aspose.Pdf and Aspose.Pdf.Kit were … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, Aspose.PDF Product Family, News Release | Tagged , , , ,