Author Archives: John Owens

Aspose ニュースレター 2012年 2月

Announcing the sweepstake winner

昨年 12月に、Facebook でプレゼント キャンペーンを実施し、1月に抽選を行いました。景品の iPad 2 は、当選の結果、Michael Sevast さんが当選されました。Michael Sevast さんから Aspose 製品に関して、以下のコメントをいただきました:

“私たちは Apose.Total for .NET コンポーネントを数年前から使用しています。Apose.Total に含まれているツールを使用して、一般的な Microsoft のファイル フォーマットを処理したりエクスポートする作業を非常に簡素化できました。これらのコンポーネントの処理速度は高速で、社内業務の時間を大幅に削減することができました。”

Michael さんのご当選を心よりお祝い申し上げますと共に、多くのお客様へ沢山のご応募いただき感謝申し上げます。

Many thanks,
John Owens, Aspose Scotland Team Leader

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Posted in Aspose Japan, Customer Newsletters |

Announcing our December sweepstake winner

Sydney, Australia – 13 January, 2012 – We’re delighted to announce the winner of the iPad 2  Facebook sweepstake that we announced in the December 2011 newsletter.

Winner iconIn December last year, Aspose ran a sweepstake that gave our Facebook followers a chance to win an iPad 2. All they had to do to enter was send us an email. Over the month, a healthy number of our fans entered the sweepstake and in early January we had a draw.… Continue Reading

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Aspose Newsletter January 2012

Wishing you all a great new 2012

Welcome to 2012! December and January are months for reflection and like many other companies, we have spent some time looking back at the year that past and thinking about what we want to achieve in the year ahead. 2011 was a good year for Aspose. We released five new products. We improved our existing products in more ways that you can easily count. Our users helped us win community awards. To give

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Aspose ニュースレター 2012年 1月

Wishing you all a great new 2012

2012年もよろしくお願いいたします。12月と 1月は、多くの企業と同様に、2011年の反省をし、そして 2012年の目標を経てました。2011年は Aspose にとって良い 1年でした。5つの新製品をリリースしました。既存製品の改良もしました。お客様のお陰で Community Award を受賞することもできました。Aspose は、ユーザー グループやカンファレンスを支援し、コミュニティへ貢献しました。Aspose の新しいコンサルティング サービスでは、画期的なプロジェクトを対応しました。10,000名の登録ユーザーも達成しました。2012年は、引き続き、お客様のご要望に応えられるようなサービスと製品を提供していきます。ご期待ください。

Thank you for reading.
Danny Cooper, Aspose Texas Team Leader

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Posted in Aspose Japan, Customer Newsletters | Tagged ,

Welcome to 2012: 2011 in review

2011 was quite a year. The environment and the economy seemed unfriendly; iconic IT celebrities passed away and the end of the PC was announced more than once. Our customers and colleagues saw change everywhere around them. But in the midst of all this, work continued: software was written and new companies, services and products were launched worldwide. At Aspose, we did our best to support our customers and make sure that whatever they had to deal with, our products … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, Aspose.PDF Product Family, Aspose.Imaging Product Family, Aspose.OCR Product Family |

Aspose Newsletter December 2011

Aspose wins DevProConnections Community Choice Awards

This month we won two medals in the DevProConnections Community Awards! Thank you to everyone who voted for us. It is great to know that our users like our products enough to vote for us. Read the news release.

To celebrate, and to offer something back to our community, we are running a sweepstake and offering a discount code on our Facebook fan page. Everyone who likes Aspose in December can enter a

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Aspose ニュースレター 2011年 12月

DevProConnections Community Choice Awards 受賞

今月、Aspose は、DevProConnections Community Awards で二つの賞を受賞しました。Aspose に投票いただいたすべての方に感謝を申し上げます。Aspose 製品のユーザー様が製品に満足して投票いただいたことを非常に嬉しく思います。ニュース リリースをもっと読む。

この受賞の記念と、Aspose のコミュニティへの還元として、懸賞と Facebook ファン ページでディスカウント コードを提供します。12月に Aspose を Like した方全員 (Aspose のファンになった方全員) が、iPad2 が当たる懸賞に申し込みいただけます。抽選は来年 1月の予定です。

新しいファンの方だけではなく、Aspose のファンの方全員に、12月中に限り、Aspose.Total を 20% off にて提供させていただきます。Facebook ファン ページにディスカウント コードがあります。

Thank you for reading. John Owens, Aspose Scotland Team Leader

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Posted in Aspose Japan, Customer Newsletters |

Aspose Wins Two Medals in the DevProConnections Community Choice Awards

Sydney, Australia – November 18, 2011 – Aspose.Network for .NET (now Aspose.Email for .NET) and Aspose.Total for SharePoint were voted among the best products in the DevProConnections Community Awards. The awards run every year. This is the first time that Aspose has taken part.

DevProConnections collects together independent information about how to build Microsoft applications to give Microsoft developer advise and insight. The network focuses on practical solutions based on real-life implementations. DevProConnections covers many aspects of Microsoft development: … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, Aspose.Email Product Family, News Release | Tagged , , , ,

Supporting the developer community: Desert Code Camp and WPC Milano

User group icon Texas, USA – 4 November, 11, 2011 – Aspose supports a number of local user groups and events in the US and Europe. The software we design, and the way we work, promotes interaction and communication between teams and individuals. We believe that user groups and good team work helps individuals succeed. Each of us learn from others. Sharing ideas and learning new things keeps us interested and makes us better at what we do. User groups encourage interaction and … Continue Reading

Posted in Developer Community Support, News Release | Tagged , , , , ,

Aspose Newsletter November 2011

Two new products announced in one month

Aspose has released two new products this month. Aspose.Imaging for .NET brings image conversion and manipulation to developers who work in a .NET environment. Aspose.Pdf for SharePoint lets users save lists, list items and SharePoint Wiki pages to PDF with one simple click.

Both products were developed in response to user feedback. We hope you’ll find them as useful as we do! Read the news release.

Thank you for reading.
Danny Cooper,

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