Author Archives: John Owens

Aspose Newsletter, July 2012

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Aspose Receives SD Times Top 100 Award

For the fourth year in a row, Aspose has received an SD Times Top 100 award, this time in the Libraries & Frameworks category. The SD Times 100 is not a product award but awards leadership in a variety of software development industry areas. Nominations are submitted by SD Times readers and editors and winners are selected by the SD Times editorial board. We’re delighted to be so highly thought of and strive

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Aspose ニュースレター 2012年 7月

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SD Times Top 100 Award 受賞

Aspose は 4年連続で SD Times Top 100 Award を受賞しました。今回は、Libraries & Frameworks カテゴリでの受賞となりました。SD Times 100 は、製品に対するアワードではありませんが、ソフトウェア開発業界のさまざまな分野におけるリーダーシップに対するアワードとなります。SD Times の読者と編集者によって候補者が選ばれ、SD Times の編集委員によって受賞者が選ばれます。Aspose では、今回の受賞を非常に光栄に存じます。また、これからもお客様にイノベーションとより良いサービスを提供し続けるよう努力してまいります。

Thank you for reading,
John Owens, Aspose Scotland Team Leader

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Aspose Wins SD Times Top 100 2012 Award

SD Times 100 2012 Award logoUSA, Texas – June 1, 2012SD Times, the software development magazine, recognizes the innovation and leadership of companies, non-profit organizations, open source projects and other initiatives in their annual Top 100 awards. This year, Aspose was included in the Libraries & Frameworks category. It is the fourth year that Aspose receives an SD Times Top 100 award.

The SD Times 100 is not a product award but awards leadership in a variety of software development industry areas. … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, News Release | Tagged , ,

Aspose Newsletter June 2012

New Awards and Announcing Aspose.BarCode for SharePoint

At the beginning of the month we had some great news: for the seventh year running, we’ve received Bestselling Publisher and Bestselling Product awards from ComponentSource. The awards are based on sales and we’re proud that our customers continue to invest in us.

We’re also pleased to announce Aspose.BarCode for SharePoint, the latest member of the Aspose.BarCode family. It adds great new features to SharePoint lists – you’ll find out more about it

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Aspose ニュースレター 2012年 6月

新たなアワードの受賞と Aspose.BarCode for SharePoint リリースのお知らせ

先月初め、ComponentSource の Bestselling Publisher and Bestselling Product アワードを受賞しました。このアワードは売り上げを基準としているので、多くのお客様が Aspose 製品を選んでいただいたことを光栄に思います。

Aspose.BarCode 製品ファミリの最新のメンバーとして、Aspose.BarCode for SharePoint 製品をリリースしました。SharePoint リストにバーコード機能を追加できます – 詳細は、以下の製品スポットライトを参照してください。

ご存知のとおり、今年は Aspose にとって特別な年になります: 現在、3月で創業 10周年を迎えました。創業間もない頃のお客様にコンタクトを取っていて、今回は、アプリケーション開発 20年の経歴を持つソフトウェア コンサルタントの Keith Harvey 様のインタビュー ビデオを紹介します。

Thank you for reading,
Danny Cooper, Aspose Texas Team Leader

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Aspose.Slides autoporting progress, May 28, 2012

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Our work to autoport Aspose.Slides for .NET to Java continues. The last time I wrote about autoporting we had worked our way through 60% of our unit tests. We have over 1000 unit tests and need to make sure that they pass on both platforms. We run these tests after we’ve ported the code using CodePorting which ports the code automatically and much more quickly than we could do by hand. As part of the autoporting work, we’re restructuring some … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, Aspose.Slides Product Family | Tagged , , , , ,

Announcing Aspose.BarCode for SharePoint

Sydney, Australia – May 22, 2012 – Aspose.BarCode lets software developers work with barcodes in their own applications and add barcodes to documents. The first product in the product family was Aspose.BarCode for .NET, released in 2005. Since then, Aspose has added barcode features to the other platforms they support with Aspose.BarCode for Java, SQL Server Reporting Services and JasperReports. Today, they release Aspose.BarCode for SharePoint.

Add Barcodes to  SharePoint Lists

Aspose.BarCode for SharePoint is an … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.BarCode Product Family, News Release | Tagged , , ,

Aspose wins ComponentSource 2011-2012 awards

ComponentSource Top 10 Publisher awardUSA, Texas – May 3, 2012 – ComponentsSource is a leading online software vendor who offers products from over 250 vendors to over 125,000 customers. Every year, they put together a list of the best selling companies and products that they work with. There are two categories: Bestselling Publisher Awards, and Bestselling Product Awards. Aspose placed in both categories and collected a total of six awards.

We are particularly proud to find ourselves in the top ten of … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family, Aspose.Total Product Family, Aspose.Cells Product Family, News Release | Tagged , , ,

Aspose Newsletter, May 2012

Reconnecting with our customers

As part of our ongoing celebration of our 10th birthday, we’ve been talking to some of our very first customers about their experiences of the software industry (and our tools) over the last decade. The first of our customers that we reconnected with was Rob Wilson, Director at Edupoint Educational Systems. Edupoint develops enterprise-level software to support U.S. school districts. The software manages everything from back-office activities and state reporting, to front-end portals for parents and

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Aspose ニュースレター 2012年 5月

Aspose ユーザー様からのフィードバック

Aspose 創業 10周年の記念プロジェクトの一つとして、創業間もない頃のお客様にコンタクトを取って、過去 10年間のソフトウェア業界 (および Aspose 製品) に関するフィードバックをいただいております。コンタクトを取った最初のお客様は、Edupoint Educational Systems 社のディレクタ、Rob Wilson 様です。Edupoint 社は、エンタープライズ レベルのソフトウェアを開発し、米国の多くの学校をサポートしています。そのソフトウェアでは、学校のアクティビティ、州へのレポートから、生徒や父兄向けのフロント エンド ポータルまで、あらゆる内容を管理しています。Aspose 製品がお客様のビジネスに役立っていることを確認でき大変光栄に思っております。また、今後も Aspose 製品をご愛顧いただければと存じます。

Thank you for reading,
John Owens, Aspose Scotland Team Leader

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