Author Archives: John Owens

Introducing our community: Aspose Newsletter, May 2013

Introducing our Community

Last month we reached 200,000 registered users, an important milestone to us. This month, we can introduce some of our new community members to you. Our users come from a wide variety of industries and from all over the globe. They have many different challenges and Aspose are pleased to help with some of those. Meet our community.

Aspose Launches Examples Application

We have created example applications for .NET and Java. The applications let you run

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Aspose ニュースレター 2013年 5月

Aspose のコミュニティの紹介

先月、Aspose のオンライン コミュニティで登録ユーザー数 20,000 名を達成し、Aspose にとって重要なマイルストーンになりました。今月は、新たなコミュニティ メンバーを紹介します。Aspose のコミュニティには、様々な業界から、また世界中から多くのユーザー様が集まってきます。様々なチャレンジや問題を投稿いただき、それらの解決の支援ができれば幸いと存じます。Aspose のコミュニティでお待ちしております

サンプル アプリケーションの提供開始

.NET と Java 向けのサンプル アプリケーションを作成しました。そのアプリケーションでデスクトップから Aspose のコード サンプルを実行できます。そのアプリケーションは自動的にアップデートされ、常に最新の製品とサンプルを使用します。是非、お試しください: Aspose Examples for .NET または Aspose Examples for Java をダウンロードしてください。

Thank you for reading,
John Owens, Aspose Europe

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Posted in Aspose Japan, Customer Newsletters | Tagged , , , , , , , ,

Meet Our Community Members

Celebrating 200,000 registered usersIn April we announced that we’d reached 200K users in our online community. We’re giving prizes to some of our new users to thank them for joining and to celebrate this milestone.

Here are some of our winners.

Top Prize: Aspose.Total Product Family

Romain Aubert works for BOS-Software Sarl, in Switzerland. BOS-Software (Business Objects Solutions & Software). They provide business intelligence, project management and software solution development to their customers. Many organizations’ business intelligence systems grow organically as the company … Continue Reading

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Supporting User Groups in Europe: BIWUG’s SharePoint Saturday

User groupSoftware engineering and IT administration are jobs that doesn’t allow you to depend on old knowledge. Professionals have to keep up to stay current. That’s why Aspose are committed to supporting user groups across the globe. User groups, and the events they arrange, helps software professionals get together and learn about technologies and industry changes, track trends and keep up with what’s new. User groups let experienced processionals share and hone their skills, and gives students and practitioners in their … Continue Reading

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Aspose sponsors Developer Week 2013 – and gives you a discount

Aspose sponsors Developer Week 2013Sydney, Australia – 04 March, 2013 – Aspose sponsors Developer Week, a great conference in Germany that brings together events for web, mobile and .NET developments. We’ve got a promotional code that gives visitors a discount.

Developer Week 2013 runs from 24 – 27 June, 2013, in Nuremberg, Germany, and brings together three conferences ­into one event. There’s something to appeal to software developers from all backgrounds: tracks include architecture, tools, trends, as well as many specific technologies. In three … Continue Reading

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Aspose Newsletter, April 2013

Aspose newsletter header

200,000 Registered Users!

We have 200,000 registered users in our online community! Less than three years ago, we celebrated reaching 100,000 registered users and we are delighted to have doubled our community so quickly. To celebrate, we’re giving not just user #200,000 but also 19 other new users prizes. We’re contacting the winners and will publish information about them in our blog as we make contact.

Extending our Platform Support

We’re adding mobile to our existing platforms shortly. The new

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Aspose ニュースレター 2013年 4月

Aspose newsletter header

登録ユーザー数 200,000 名 達成!

Aspose のオンライン コミュニティで 登録ユーザー数 200,000 名を達成しました! 3年ほど前に登録ユーザー数 100,000 名を達成したばかりですが、予想以上に早く倍の 200,000 名を達成できたことを大変うれしく思います。これを記念して、200,000 番目のユーザー様だけでなく、その他にも 19 の賞を用意しています。現在、当選者に連絡をしており、Aspose のブログで当選者を発表する予定です。

プラットフォーム サポートの拡張

Aspose の既存の対応プラットフォームに新たにモバイルを追加する予定です。新しいプラットフォームでは、モバイル開発者向けに Aspose の .NET や Java ユーザーが利用している多くのツールを提供し、モバイル プラットフォームで素早く簡単にドキュメント変換やマネージメントができます。

プラットフォームの開発と同様に、お客様の要件に応じて Aspose のツールを使えるように、Aspose のユーザー コミュニティをサポートし支持します。

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Posted in Aspose Japan, Customer Newsletters |

Celebrating 200,000 Registered Users

Sydney, Australia – March 31, 2013 – In March 2013, Aspose counted 200,000 registered users. This milestone comes only three years after we reached 100,000 registered users. To celebrate, we’re giving 20 new users prizes of licenses for our products. From a full suite of Aspose products, to a license for Aspose.Imaging, we’re can’t think of better gifts to give to our community than our products.

Celebrating 200,000 registered users

Why Use Aspose?

Aspose’s customers use our products to speed up development of .NET … Continue Reading

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Sponsoring user groups and conferences: ISDC 2013

User groupBangalore, India – March 16, 2013 – Aspose sponsored one of the most popular developer conferences in India, the India Software Developer Conference (ISDC) 2013, held in Bangalore on March 16. ISDC 2013 showcased the latest technology trends and provided developers with the opportunity to learn, network, and track innovations in the realm of .NET, Java, mobile, HTML5, architecture and agile technologies.

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Aspose Newsletter March, 2013

Growing the Community

Just under three years ago, Aspose celebrated 100,000 registered users. We were delighted to have such a large and active community. Now, we’re getting very close to doubling that number. Like last time, we’ll celebrate this milestone with a great prize for user number 200,000. We’re also giving our users another 19 prizes. Every day takes us closer to reaching 200,000 registered users and we expect to announce the winner in the next newsletter. Thank you to

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