Author Archives: Iret

Aspose.AdHoc Released!

Dear Customers,

       We’ve released Aspose.AdHoc!

       What’s new:

       1.An editable dropdownlist was added to the filtering screen as showing below:

       And more, the editable dropdownlist supports autocomplete function, that is, the user can only type part of the word and the component will pick up the matched value in the list automatically.

       2. New event ‘PreSelectableItemBound’ was added:

       This new event provides a way to customize the items in the dropdownlist rather than display Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family |

Aspose.Network.Mail , System.Net.Mail and System.Web.Mail

In this article, we will talk about the differences among Aspose.Network.Mail, System.Net.Mail (New in .NET 2.0) and System.Web.Mail.


System.Web.Mail and System.Net.Mail are all the built-in library provided by Microsoft in .NET framework. System.Web.Mail supports .NET 1.1 and .NET 2.0 (for compatibility). System.Net.Mail is new for .NET 2.0.


System.Web.Mail is simply a wrapper around the two COM libraries: CDONTS.NewMail (found in the cdonts.dll) and CDO.Message (found in the cdosys.dll). You will also need them installed on your server. By default, Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Aspose.Network Hotfix Released

Dear Customers,

We have released a new hotfix for Aspose.Network.

What’s new in this release:

  • Fixed the bug in parsing Eml file, which will throw out a MimeException if the Eml contains invalid header for Return-Path. Now we will just ignore it.
  • Fixed the bug in parsing Empty ReplyTo header in Eml file.
  • Changed the behaviors for Pop3Client.SaveMessage function, which will not invoke Mime parsing function for validation. Therefore, the performance for the function will be improved also.
  • All other
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Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Aspose.Network New Blog Started!

This is the new blog for Aspose.Network! From now on, latest releases, development news and hot fixes will be posted here. Earlier posts can be found in the old Aspose.GuangZhou blog.

Cheers!… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Aspose.Network Setup Package Updated

Dear Customers,

We just updated the Setup package for Aspose.Network.

  • Hotfix for the problem of reading Outlook message file
  • Demo for Pop3 and Imap protocol are included.


Thanks… Continue Reading

Posted in Kyle Huang |

Aspose.Network 3.1 Released

Dear Customers,

We’ve released Aspose.Network 3.1.

What’s new in this release:

  • Automatically detect authentication methods for sending E-Mail with SmtpClient (SMTP protocol implement)
  • Automatically detect authentication methods for ImapClient (IMAP protocol implement)
  • Automatically detect authentication methods for Pop3Client (POP3 protocol implement)
  • NET 2.0 optimized dll
  • Fixed partially trusted issue

Thanks… Continue Reading

Posted in Kyle Huang |

Aspose.AdHoc 1.5.4 released!

Dear Customers,

    We’ve released Aspose.AdHoc 1.5.4!

    What’s new:
  • New Property named “ShowAllFieldsInOrderBY” was introduced, it allows you to show all fields in the OrderBy page if True or show only the selected fields if false.       
  • Add new property named “SortFieldsOnLoad”, the component will sort the fields automatically if True.
  • Fix the bug in parsing filterSQL,refers to:
    Thanks a lot!… Continue Reading
Posted in Kyle Huang |

Aspose.Network Released

Dear Customers,

We’ve released the Aspose.Network 3.0.1 hotfix.

In this hotfix, we fixed a bug in parsing Outlook Message file (*.msg), which contains the unicode encoding characters in the mail header.

It is a Must Be update for Aspose.Network 3.0

Bug Detail:

Aspose.Network will crash in  parsing the outlook message file with unicode mail header content, throwing out an exception as following:

System.ArgumentException was unhandled
  Message=”Media type is not valid.
Parameter name: mediaType”
  Source=”Aspose.Network”… Continue Reading

Posted in Kyle Huang |

Comming Aspose.Network 3.1

One of the major scenarios for email solution is to send out thousands of messages or newsletters to customers. It is a little bit difficult task for developers to work out such an email solution on a tight schedule, for the complex network programming and complicated business requirement.

We know the troubles in such case, and always try to eliminate them. In the Aspose.Network 3.0, the E-Mail message bulk sending is greately improved, for the introducing multi-threading, and template-based mail merge.

Moreover, Another … Continue Reading

Posted in Kyle Huang |

Aspose.Network Released

Aspose.Network 3.0 is the next major official release version of our comprehensive network programming components

Here is what’s new in Aspose.Network 3.0:

  • Unique Object Model for E-Mail creating and parsing functions. The MailMessage class provides the unique and simple entry for creating and parsing E-Mail messages.
      //Load outlook message format file (*.msg) to MailMessage instance
      MailMessage message = MailMessage.Load(@”../message.msg”, MessageFormat.Msg);
      SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(“localhost”,”test001″, “test”);
      //Send the message via Smtp
  • Enhanced IMAP component for adding more
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Posted in Kyle Huang |