Author Archives: Iret

Aspose.Network Released

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Network In this release, we enhanced the functionality of loading and parsing Microsoft Outlook Message Format (.Msg), according to the community feed backs.

What’s new:

  • Add a new function to indicate the embedded Outlook Message, MapiObjectProperty.IsOutlookMessage
  • Support reading/saving embedded objects (Ole object) from Outlook message.
  • Enhance the format transfering from Outlook Message format to EML format.
    • If the mime header is empty, we will try to load information from the relative mapi properties.
    • Convert Rtf
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Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Aspose.Network Released

Dear Customers,

We’ve released Aspose.Network 3.5.0.

What’s new in this release:

  • Fully support parsing Microsoft Outlook Message document, including:
    • Read properties by Mapi property tags
    • Access recipient information
    • Read and Save attachments
    • Read Ole object
    • Multi-language support
    • Rtf body decompression
  • FileDropTargetPanel supports drag & drop Outlook message attachments.
  • Fixed a bug in reading Eml file
  • Other fixes from 3.3.*

Thanks… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

How to access Mapi propertes in a Microsoft Outlook Message files

In this article, we will demonstrate how to access mapi propertes in a Microsoft outlook message files (*.msg files), using Aspose.Network.


            Dim message As MapiMessage
            ‘load and parse the Microsoft Outlook Message files
            Imports (MapiMessageReader mr = New MapiMessageReader(“c:\sample.msg”))
                message = mr.ReadMessage()
            ‘read subject property. Or you can use MapiMessage.Subject too.
            Dim subject As String =  message.GetPropertyString(MapiPropertyTag.PR_SUBJECT)
            ‘read body property. Or you can use MapiMessage.Body too.… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Aspose.Network 3.5 beta2 supports parsing Microsoft outlook message files

Dear Customers,

We have completed the Aspose.Network 3.5 beta2 development. In this release, we provide fully supporting for parsing Microsoft Outlook Message documents (*.msg files).

By using Aspose.Network.Outlook.MapiMessage class, you can access all the information in the message files. Moreover, we also support getting the property by Mapi property tags, message body decoding, attachment saving and etc.

Please download the beta2 release, share your idea to us. We will make an official release coming weeks.

Download Link


            using Aspose.Network.Outlook;… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Yahoo!Mail Open their APIs

Yahoo is opening their e-mail system APIs to third party developers recently. Furthermore, he also anounced the unlimited storage for Yahoo!Mail previously.

What it shows is that we are getting another cheap storage on the cyber-world. Wow, it’s Cool. You can save all of your emails to Yahoo without warry about the storage. Files, documents, pictures, almost anything can be uploaded without limitation.

How do you think if we create Aspose.Network.Yahoo which leverages the unlimited Yahoo!Mail storage. .NET developers just use … Continue Reading

Posted in Kyle Huang |

Aspose.Network 3.3.1 hotfix released!

Dear Customers,

We’ve release Aspose.Network 3.3.1 hotfix!

In this hotfix release, Outlook drag drop samples have been updated.… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Tutorial on Aspose.Network latest Outlook dragdrop feature

Outlook dragdrop feature is included in the latest Aspose.Network release, which enables
developers to easily create UI elements that respond to Outlook drag drop events.

The following sample shows how to create a panel, on which user can drag a message from
Outlook and drop it, and the program save that message(s) to .msg file(s).

Step 1. Create a windows form application

Step 2. Add reference to Aspose.Network

Browse for Aspose.Network.dll and Aspose.Windows.Forms.dll, and click ok

Step 3. Create your ui elements, in … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Aspose.Network Released

We have released Aspose.Network!

What’s new?

  • This is a major release for Aspose.Network, with Microsoft Exchange Server supporting (WEBDAV).
    • Supports fetch e-mail messages on an exchange store.
    • Supports delete e-mail messages
    • Supports send e-mail messages


    string mailboxUri = “”; 
    string username = “andrew”;
    string password = “12345678”;
    string domain = “aspose”;

    NetworkCredential credential = new NetworkCredential(username, password, domain);

   //create an exchangeclient
   ExchangeClient client = new ExchangeClient(mailboxUri, credential);
    //query mailbox
    ExchangeMailboxInfo mailbox = client.GetMailboxInfo();
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Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Aspose.Network.Exchange Coming Soon

Dear Customers,

We are heading to deliver the Aspose.Network.Exchange in the coming Aspose.Network 3.3.

Aspose.Network.Exchange will provide a set of communication features to Microsoft Exchange Server (with WebDav protocol), such checking email messages, sending email messages and calendaring.

With continuous growing, Aspose.Network has supported more than 8 major network protocols, including SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, MIME, FTP, DNS, ICMP, WhoIs, WebDAV and more. It is a must be tool kit for your network programming.… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Aspose.Network Released

Dear Customers,

We’ve released Aspose.Network

What’s new in this release:

  • Adding Aspose.Network.Logging, which is an extensible and comprehansive .net logging framework.
  • Fixed the bug in ImapClient.ListMessages, which may lead to throw out invalid parameter exception when initializing MailAddress instances.
  • All other updates from 3.1.*

Thanks… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |