Author Archives: Iret

Aspose.Network v3.8.2.0 with Dns Mail

We have released a new version of Aspose.Network. The majore feature of this release is Dns mail — we now support sending email message with mail exchange servers if you don’t have any smtp servers.

Here is the code sample for C#:

            MailMessage msg = new MailMessage();
            msg.From = ““;
            msg.To = “;“;
            msg.Subject = “dns sending”;
            msg.Body = “it is a test.”;
            DnsMailClient client = new DnsMailClient();
            client.Send(msg);… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Aspose.Network for .NET v3.8.0.0

Aspose.Network for .NET v3.8.0.0 has been released. Aspose.Network is a complete solution for network programming on .NET frameworks.

This version is a major release, including SSL support for IMAP and POP3, bug fixes and many other improvements.

New Features

  • SSL on POP3 Protocol.
  • Implicit / Explicit security mode for SSL POP3
  • SSL on IMAP Protocol
  • Implicit / Explicit security mode for SSL IMAP
  • Updated Help document and code samples.

          Aspose.Network now supports using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt the connection

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Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Aspose.Network for .NET v3.7.0.0

Aspose.Network for .NET v3.7.0.0 has been released. Aspose.Network is a complete solution for network programming on .NET frameworks.

This version is a major release, containing SSL support for SMTP, bug fixes and many other improvements.

New Features

  • SSL SMTP Protocol: Aspose.Network.Mail supports sending email with SSL SMTP protocol.
  • Implicit / Explicit Security mode in SSL SMTP.

          [C# Sample]

         SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(“”,587,””,”password”);

         client.SecurityMode = SmtpSslSecurityMode.Explicit;

         client.EnableSsl = true;

         client.Send(“”,””, “Hello, Gmail.”, “Hello, Gmail.”);

  • VAS/VMS List item : Aspose.Network.Ftp
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Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Aspose.Network for .NET v3.6.3.0 Released

Dear Customers,

We’ve releases Aspose.Network for .NET v3.6.3.0.

What’s New

  • 4048 – Adds Unix-To-Unix (uuencod) decoding supports for parsing attachments for eml files.
  • Adds new samples for Aspose.Network.Outlook.


  • 4049 – ImapClient.AppendMessage function cannot return UID properly.
  • 4050 – ImapClient.ListMessage throws exceptions for invalid email addresses.

How to download

 … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Aspose.Network for .NET v3.6.1.0 Released

What’s New

  • Provide format template for customizing the file format convertion from msg files to mht files. More format templates are supported in MhtMessageFormatter class, which will provide more flexibility for .NET developers to customize the output of mht format files.


            MailMessage mail = MailMessage.Load(file, MessageFormat.Msg);
            MhtMessageFormatter f = new MhtMessageFormatter();
            f.FormFormat = “FROM:{0}<br>”;
            f.SentFormat = “SENT:{0}<br>”;
            f.SubjectFormat = “SUBJECT:{0}<br>”;
            f.ToFormat = “TO:{0}<br>”;
            f.CcFormat= “CC:{0}<br>”;
            f.AttachmentFormat = “ATT:{0}<br>”;

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Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Aspose.Network for NET Released


This release contains new features, features enhancement and bug fixes since v3.5.  Please check following description for more detail information.

What’s New?

3756 – Support to render multipart/mixed type part in EML format.

           A new property Attachment.EmptyAttachment is added for this feature.


           MailMessage msg = MailMessage.Load(@”c:\ExchangeMessage.eml”, MessageFormat.Eml);



3758 – Support to delete attachments in Outlook Message files.



3759 – Support converting undeliverable report message (Outlook Message files) to Eml format.… Continue Reading
Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Aspose.NETwork for .NET Hotfix v3.5.3.0 Released

What’s New?

  • 3529 – LinkedResource of MailMessage can be saved locally.
  • 3528 – Add BulkSend performance counters, including TotalSent, TotalFailed.
  • 3525 – Make MessageId propery of MailMessage class writable.
  • 3522 – FileDropTargetManager supports dragging & dropping files from Windows Explorer.
  • 3530 – Launch Outlook mail client with attachments.

What’s Fixed?

  • 3527 – Loading of some saved Eml results in infinite loop.
  • 3524 – Loading of saved Eml results in erroneous content.
  • 3523 – Cannot load Msg files with ‘\r’ character in the e-mail
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Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Aspose.Network Released

Dear Customers,

We’ve released Aspose.Network v3.5.2.0.

What’s new in this hotfix:

  • Enhanced supporting embedded OLE document in Microsoft Outlook Message.
    • Support extracting embedded OLE1 format document
    • Support extracting embedded Word/Excel/PowerPoint document
  • Enhanced converting from Msg to Mht format.
    • Support showing placeholder in hmtl body if converting to mht message
    • Support more Mht format saving options, by exposed a new class MhtMessageFormatter.
    • Support customize the DateTime format
    • Support removing attachments
  • Support setting body charset using BodyEncoding propery in MailMessage class
  • Fixed the bug about
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Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Retrieving Property Information by Mapi Property Tag

MapiProperty Class represents a Mapi property, which contains:

  • Name, a string represents the name of the property
  • Tag, a long represents the tag of the property
  • Data, a byte array represents the data of the property

Steps to Query Mail Box Status

  • Create a MapiMessage instance by loading from files or stream
  • Get the MapiProperty from MapiMessage.Properties by MapiPropertyTag keys
  • Get the Data of the MapiProperty by method GetXXXX


 //load from file
 MapiMessage msg = 
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Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Aspose.AdHoc Released!

Dear customers,

   We’ve released Aspose.AdHoc!


      Throwing SecurityException while being invoked from partially trusted callers.


   Thanks… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family |