Author Archives: Farhan Raza

Convert OBJ to USDZ File Programmatically in C#

An OBJ file is a geometry definition file format that can contain texture maps, polygonal faces, and 3D coordinates. You may need to convert an OBJ file to a USDZ file for certain requirements. This article covers how to convert OBJ to USDZ file programmatically in C#.

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Convert USDZ to STL Programmatically in Java

USDZ files are popularly used to work with augmented reality-based scenarios. They contain all the information including mapping, shading, and skeletal deformation. In some use cases, you may need to export a USDZ file to STL format. For such scenarios, this article demonstrates how to convert USDZ to STL files in Java.

Posted in Aspose.3D Product Family | Tagged , , ,

Convert Visio VSD or VSDX File to XAML in Java

In some scenarios, you may need to convert a VSD or VSDX Visio to XAML format. In accordance with similar use cases, this article covers how to convert a VSD or VSDX file to a XAML file in Java.

Posted in Aspose.Diagram Product Family | Tagged , , , ,

Convert Visio VSD or VSDX to VDX in Java

Sometimes you might need to convert a VSD or VSDX file to a VDX file which is based on XML schema. In accordance with such scenarios, this article explains how to convert a VSD or VSDX Diagram file to a VDX file in Java.

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Convert DWG to OBJ File in C#

You may need to render such drawings in 3D modeling applications for visualizing or manipulating the designs. You can convert the DWG file to a 3D Object file in OBJ format. This article covers how to convert a DWG drawing to an OBJ file programmatically in C#.

Posted in Aspose.CAD Product Family | Tagged , , , ,

Convert VSD or VSDX to VDX in C#

Visio drawings are collections of shapes and icons which can be used for different purposes. For example, a floor plan or a blueprint of a building. In some cases, you might need to convert a Visio drawing to a VDX file. In accordance with such scenarios, this article covers how to convert VSD or VSDX diagrams to a VDX file programmatically in C#.

Posted in Aspose.Diagram Product Family | Tagged , , , ,

Convert EPUB to Word DOCX in C#

EPUB files are frequently used to share or print brochures, pamphlets, or eBooks. In some cases, you might need to convert EPUB to a Word DOCX file. In accordance with such use cases, this article explains how to convert an EPUB file to DOCX format programmatically in C#.

Posted in Aspose.HTML Product Family | Tagged , , , , ,

Convert EPUB to XPS File in C#

EPUB files are commonly used to share or print files on a large scale. For instance, EBooks are very common these days, which are created in EPUB format. In certain situations, you may need to convert EPUB to an XPS file. Accordingly, this article covers how to convert an EPUB file to XPS format programmatically in C#.

Posted in Aspose.HTML Product Family | Tagged , , , ,

Add Signature to an Image in Java

Images and other document formats are frequently used in everyday business. Many images are therefore signed in order to avoid copyright infringement or to exhibit the ownership of work. For such requirements, you can use Aspose.PSD for Java API to manipulate images or graphic contents. This article explains how to add a signature to an image programmatically in Java.

Posted in Aspose.PSD Product Family | Tagged , , , ,

Convert USDZ to OBJ File in C#

USDZ files contain 3D geometry and shading data for a scene and are commonly used for creating augmented reality content. Sometimes, you may need to convert USDZ to a 3D Object file. In accordance with such scenarios, this article covers how to convert a USDZ file to an OBJ file programmatically in C#.

Posted in Aspose.3D Product Family | Tagged , , , ,