Author Archives: Farhan Raza

Convert TXT to XLSX in Java

TXT files are commonly used to work with plain data with little or no formatting. Sometimes numeric data exists as a TXT file which you might need to convert to an XLSX Excel file for further processing. In this article, you will learn how to convert a TXT file to XLSX format programmatically in Java.

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family | Tagged , , , ,

Save Webpage as PDF in C#

Webpages can contain text, images, drawings, animations, etc. Sometimes you might need to convert a webpage to PDF for archival or several other purposes. Accordingly, this article covers how to save or print a webpage to PDF format in C# by specifying the URL of the webpage. It discusses the simple and basic conversion as well as the advanced conversion where you can encrypt the output file.

Posted in Aspose.HTML Product Family | Tagged , , ,

Merge EPS Files Programmatically in Java

EPS is a vector often used by the image processing professions to retain the high quality of the images. For instance, an EPS file can support customizations without affecting the quality of the image. However, sometimes you might need to merge different EPS files. In accordance with such requirements, this article covers how to merge EPS files programmatically in Java.

Posted in Aspose.Page Product Family | Tagged , , , ,

Download Image from URL in C#

Visuals are helpful to understand things clearer, faster, and easier. Thus, images are commonly used over the web for a lot of reasons. Sometimes you may need to download images from different web pages. Accordingly, this article covers how to download image from URL in C#. It also contains some download resources so that you can simply test image downloading with a plug-and-play kind of project.

Posted in Aspose.HTML Product Family | Tagged , , , , ,

Convert JPG or PNG Image to XML with OCR in C#

Sometimes the data can exist in the form of images. You might need to process such data thus the image to XML conversion can be helpful in such scenarios. You can convert an image in JPG, PNG, or other image formats to XML format programmatically in C#. This article covers how to convert an image to XML by performing OCR operation programmatically in C#.

Posted in Aspose.OCR Product Family | Tagged , , , , ,

Convert Image to JSON with OCR in C#

Images or graphics depict a lot of visual information that can contain text, pictures, graphs, etc. Sometimes you might want to convert some information from a JPG or PNG image to JSON format in order to process some data. In accordance with such requirements, this article covers how to convert an image to JSON by performing OCR operation programmatically in C#.

Posted in Aspose.OCR Product Family | Tagged , , , , ,

Convert DWF or DWFX to OBJ in C#

A DWF or DWFX file is a 2D or 3D drawing file that can include text, graphics, data, or three-dimensional models. Whereas, the Wavefront OBJ file is a geometry definition file format that contains 3D geometry like the position of each vertex, texture coordinates, vertex normal, etc. In certain scenarios, you might want to convert a DWF or DWFX file to an OBJ file. In accordance with such situations, this article covers how to convert a DWF or DWFX file to an OBJ file programmatically in C#.

Posted in Aspose.CAD Product Family | Tagged , , , ,

Create a Web Scraper in C#

Web Scraping, also known as web crawling, web harvesting, or data scraping, is used for extracting data from websites. A web scraper uses different data selectors like CSS selectors, XPath, or both of these in order to extract data from the web pages. Both of these selectors are efficient for collecting and analyzing information from the web. This article covers how to create a web scraper in C#, specifically the information about HTML navigation, XPath Query and CSS Selector.

Posted in Aspose.HTML Product Family | Tagged , , , ,

Recognize Text with OCR on DjVu Image in C#

The DjVu format is used to store scanned documents as they can include text, images, or drawings. It is used to archive data because this format is able to store the data using the minimum space. This article covers how to recognize text from DjVu images with OCR operations programmatically in C#.

Posted in Aspose.OCR Product Family | Tagged , , ,

Using System.Drawing in Blazor WebAssembly App in C#

Blazor framework is widely used to build interactive and reusable web UI in web technologies. Moreover, Blazor WebAssembly apps execute directly in the browser on a WebAssembly-based .NET runtime. This article covers how to use System.Drawing library in a Blazor WebAssembly app.

Posted in Aspose.Drawing Product Family | Tagged , , ,