Author Archives: Dmitry Matveenko

Aspose.Words for SharePoint 2.10.0 Maintenance Release

Aspose.Words for SharePoint 2.10.0 is released.

This release includes the latest improvements made in Aspose.Words. To download the release, please visit the download area.

The most notable improvements are:

  • Improved algorithm of content width calculation inside table cells.
  • More support for compatibility options in layout.
  • Layout performance improvements.
  • Many HTML and MHTML import improvements.
  • Rendering of table diagonal borders.
  • Document structure output into PDF/A-1a compliance.
  • Improved text wrapping logic for section breaks.
  • EQ (mathematical) fields rendering implemented.
  • Added options
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Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family | Tagged , , ,

Aspose.Words for SharePoint 2.9.0 implements DrawingML 3D charts among other improvements

Aspose.Words for SharePoint logoAspose.Words for SharePoint 2.9.0 has been released.

This release includes the latest improvements made in Aspose.Words. To download the release, please visit the download area. As usual, at our support forum we are glad to answer any questions you might have.

The most notable improvements are below:

  • Improvements in style handing in tables, format revisions
  • Improvements and resiliency code for ODT, RTF and DOCX
  • DrawingML charts 3D mode rendering implemented
  • VML perspective shadows rendering implemented
  • Outline rendering to PDF
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Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family | Tagged , , ,

Aspose.Words for SharePoint 2.8.0 Maintenance Release

Aspose.Words logoVersion 2.8.0 of Aspose.Words for SharePoint is released. This release includes the latest improvements made in Aspose.Words.

To download the release, please visit the download area.

As usual, we are glad to answer any questions you might have in our support forums.

The most notable improvements are below:

  • DrawingML SmartArt (Diagrams) are now rendered.
  • Different text directions are supported in DrawingML textboxes rendering.
  • Layout performance improved by at least 10%.
  • Improvements to layout of nested objects and tables.
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Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family | Tagged , ,

Aspose.Words for SharePoint maintenance release v.2.7.0 is ready.

Aspose.Words logoVersion 2.7.0 of Aspose.Words for SharePoint is released. This release includes the latest improvements made to Aspose.Words. To download the release, please visit the download area.

As usual, at our support forum we are glad to answer any questions you might have.

The most notable improvements are below:

  • TOC (Table Of Contents) field update performance dramatically improved.
  • Shape handling improved.  Text wrapping polygon info read/written.
  • Optimized multipage PDF rendering.
  • Improved floater object handling in code (performance and stability).
  • Supported
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Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family | Tagged , , , , , , ,

Aspose.Words for SharePoint maintenance release v.2.6.0 is ready

Dear Customers,

Version 2.6.0 of Aspose.Words for SharePoint is released.

This release includes the latest improvements made in Aspose.Words.
To download the release, please visit the download area.
As usual, at our support forum we are glad to answer any questions you might have.

The most notable improvements are below:

•    Implemented embedded EMF+ metafiles rendering;
•    Implemented font style simulation while rendering to PDF;
•    Improved rendering of gray colors to PDF for proper printing;
•    Improved PDF … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family | Tagged , , , ,

Aspose.Words for SharePoint 2.5.0 maintenance release is ready

Version 2.5.0 of Aspose.Words for SharePoint has been released.

This release includes the latest improvements made in Aspose.Words. To download the release, please visit the download area.

As usual, we are glad to answer any questions you might have in the forum.

Enjoy!… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family |

Aspose.Words for SharePoint 2.4.0 maintenance release

Aspose.Words logo

Aspose.Words for SharePoint 2.4.0 has been released. This release includes the latest improvements made in Aspose.Words.

To download the release, please visit the download area.

As usual, we can answer any questions you have in the product forum .

Enjoy!… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family | Tagged

Aspose.Words for SharePoint maintenance v.2.3.0 release is ready.

Aspose.Words icon

We have released Aspose.Words for SharePoint 2.3.0.

This release includes the latest improvements made in Aspose.Words.

To download the release, please visit the download area.

As usual at our forum we are glad to answer any questions you might have.

Enjoy!… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family | Tagged , ,