Author Archives: Dean

How to use Aspose.BarCode in SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services

We have updated our documentation with a new article about usage of Aspose.BarCode with Visual Studio 2003 and SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services. Configuring Aspose.BarCode with VS 2005 and SQL 2005 is easy because of design time support. You can easily add the BarCode control on the toolbox and set its properties during design time. But with VS 2003 and SQL Server 2000, we need to do some manual work to get the BarCode on the reports.

The article is … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.BarCode Product Family |

Aspose.AdHoc Released!

Dear customers,

   We’ve release Aspose.AdHoc!

   What’s new:

   1. New CultureInfo — Arabic, was supported now!


  • The bug in selecting from the dropdownlist with Firefox.
  • The bug in processing Bit data.

   3. Update the API docs.

   4. The install package supports Windows Vista now!

Thank you!… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family |

Aspose.AdHoc Released

Dear Customers,


    We’ve released Aspose.AdHoc hotfix.


    In this hotfix, the ParseSQLStatement, ParseSelectStatement, ParseWhereStatement and ParseOrderByStatement functions are able to parse statements that contains keywords in lowercase now.


    ThanksContinue Reading

Posted in Kyle Huang |

Aspose.AdHoc released!

Dear Customers,

   We’ve released Aspose.AdHoc

   What’s new in this release :

  • New property “AutoDistinct” was introduced, by setting it to true, the query result will be distinct automatically and the “FilterCount” in the second page will be the distinct count also. Refer to:
  • Fixed the bug in between function of Dutch version.
  • Fixed the bug in ParseSQL function.

   Thanks very much!
Continue Reading

Posted in Kyle Huang |