Author Archives: Danny Cooper

Need to use Aspose in your development products? We’re now offering SDK licenses!

Over the years our products have evolved into the most powerful, independent libraries available for managing files. No other solutions offer the type of comprehensive file support and features that Aspose libraries deliver. Now, other companies can provide that same powerful functionality to their audience through our tools.

If you produce a product that can be enhanced by the functionality we provide, please be sure to visit our newly updated SDK Policy Page. Similarly if you’re using another library… Continue Reading
Posted in Danny Cooper |

I’m no Steve Hawking…

Like many others across the internet, I do not exactly see eye-to-eye with Mr. Hawking on the subject of why we should not seek to contact extraterrestrial life.

“We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet,” Hawking said.

“I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and… Continue Reading
Posted in Danny Cooper |

The Aspose purchase section gets a makeover

Since Aspose began, almost seven year ago, we have seen a lot of exciting growth thanks to our many wonderful customers.  As our customer count has grown so has the number of needs we accommodate, and in turn our product lines have grown to accommodate those needs.  Our web staff has done well to ensure that our online purchase system kept pace with our evolving product lines.  However, as: our company, the number of platforms we support … Continue Reading

Posted in Danny Cooper |

Aspose releases a new product suite for SQL Server Reporting Services

Sydney, Australia – November, 19th 2007 – Aspose is pleased to announce the release of their third major product suite, Aspose.Total for Reporting Services.  The “Aspose.Total for Reporting Services” suite is comprised of five different rendering extensions which extend SQL Reporting, allowing reports to be exported to a variety of new formats.   


Since their inception in 2002, Aspose’s core focus has centered on file management.  Their new line of products for SQL Reporting Services Continue Reading

Posted in Danny Cooper |

Aspose becomes a Sun Business Partner

Aspose, the .NET and Java component publisher, is very pleased to announce a new business partnership with the company Sun.  For many years the development community has primarily know Aspose as a .NET component provider.  However, Aspose has also had a very strong initiative to support the Java platform as well.  This new partnership is another effort to help extend that initiative and continually provide better support for Java developers.

Aspose currently offers six powerful, file-management components for the Java … Continue Reading

Posted in Danny Cooper |

Aspose Customer Newsletter, December 2006

In This Issue

• Welcome!
• Product Spotlight – Aspose.Cells
What Aspose Word Processing Component Do You Need?
• Tech Tip – Making Changes after a Conversion from Word to PDF
• Aspose.Slides bug fixes and enhancements added in December.


Welcome to the December 2006 issue of the Aspose Newsletter! In this month’s newsletter we will take a closer look at our spotlight product: Aspose.Cells. We will also look at the Tech Tip section which covers making

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Posted in Customer Newsletters |

Aspose Customer Newsletter, November 2006

In This Issue

• Welcome!
• Cool Holiday Savings
• Product Spotlight – Aspose.Editor
• Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET 2.2 Released
• Tech Tip – Aspose.Grid Web Tips – Using your own icons instead of the default icons.
• Aspose products have their own blogs


Welcome to the November 2006 issue of the Aspose Newsletter! In this month’s newsletter we offer to you a 10% savings on any product or product suite! This is our way of saying

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Employment Opportunity

Aspose is currently seeking to hire a new Product Manager.  If you are interested in the details of the position, please click here to learn more…… Continue Reading
Posted in Aspose Employment Opportunities |

Aspose Customer Newsletter, October 2006

In This Issue

• Welcome!
• Product Spotlight – Aspose.Grid
• Aspose.Words 4.0 Released!
Aspose.Barcode now supports Barcode Recognition
• Tech Tip – Using Aspose.Words to guard against macro viruses


Welcome to the October 2006 issue of the Aspose Newsletter!  This month we’ve added a new Tech Tip column.  The Tech Tip column is provided by our development staff and each month they will show you helpful tips and tricks for using Aspose components.

In this month’s

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Posted in Customer Newsletters |

Aspose Customer Newsletter, September 2006

September 2006


Issue #1

In this issue…
  • Welcome!
  • Product Spotlight – Aspose.Total
  • Aspose.Cells – New low price
  • Aspose MVP Program

Welcome to the first ever newsletter from Aspose! The Aspose newsletter will be a monthly publication used to share new and exciting news about our company, our products, upcoming products, special purchase opportunities and more. If you wish to no longer receive our newsletter, simply click here to unsubscribe and you will be removed from our mailing list.

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