Author Archives: Amjad Sahi

Invoke MS Excel printing Format using Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services 18.2

Aspose.Cells for SSRS icon

We are happy to announce the release of Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services 18.2. This release includes some important enhancements and other fixes. Please take a look over the release notes to get an idea about what is new and what has been enhanced with this revision of Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services API.

Invoke MS Excel Printing Format in Reporting Services

You may render Excel printing format according to your report definition. Aspose.Cells for Reporting Service has already the valuable feature … Continue Reading

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Control External Resources Embedded in Excel Spreadsheets using C# .NET

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We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Cells for .NET v18.2. Please check the document on how to install Aspose for .NET APIs directly from NuGet repository. In this release, we have added a few valuable features for the users. For example, we included support to control/manage external resources embedded in the Excel document. You can filter formulas and defined names separately when loading Excel spreadsheets. Some other enhancements are also added regarding shapes. Please check the release notes in … Continue Reading

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Create PDF Bookmark for Chart Sheet in C# using Aspose.Cells for .NET 18.1

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We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Cells for .NET v18.1. We have added some useful features and enhancements regarding Pivot Tables, Charts, and Excel to HTML renderings. Please check the release notes in order to get an idea about what is new and what has been enhanced or fixed with this revision of Aspose.Cells for .NET. You can also install Aspose for .NET APIs directly from NuGet repository.

Create PdfBookmarkEntry for Chart Sheet using C#

In … Continue Reading

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Fix for Mac and Other Enhancements in Aspose.Cells for JavaScript via Java 17.12

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Cells for JavaScript via Java 17.12. This release includes a number of features, enhancements and bug fixes which further improve the overall stability and usability of the API. Aspose.Cells for JavaScript via Java has almost full functionality of Aspose.Cells for Java with a few limitations, minor API changes and additional requirements. See the following release notes on major features and other improvements for your reference.
Aspose.Cells for JavaScript via Java … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

Read and Write External Connection of XLSB file, Query Cell Areas Mapped to XmlMap Path and Implement Cell.FormulaLocal in Aspose.Cells for Android via Java 17.12

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We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Cells for Android via Java 17.12. This release includes a number of features, enhancements and bug fixes that further improve the overall stability and usability of the API. We also recommend our clients to use the powerful Aspose for Java APIs directly in their Maven Projects with simple configurations. Please check the release notes in order to get an idea about what is new and what has been fixed with … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

Auto-Populate Smart Markers Data to Other Worksheets and Export Worksheet CSS Separately in Output HTML using Aspose.Cells for .NET 17.12

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We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Cells for .NET v17.12. There are quite a few useful enhancements included for HTML and PDF renderings. Moreover, you can now auto-populate data against Smart Markers to split to other sheets. Please check the release notes in order to get an idea about what is new and what has been enhanced or fixed with this revision of Aspose.Cells for .NET. You can also install Aspose for .NET APIs directly from NuGet Continue Reading

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Excel API for Node.js – Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java

Create Excel in Node.js

We are pleased to announce the first public release of our Excel API for Node.js – Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java (17.11). The new API incorporates MS Excel data processing and rendering functionalities in JavaScript (the most commonly used client-side scripting language). Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java has full functionality of Aspose.Cells for Java with a few limitations, minor API changes and additional requirements. See the following release notes on major features for your reference.
Aspose.Cells for Node.js Continue Reading

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Create and Protect a Shared Excel Workbook in C#

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We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Cells for .NET v17.11. Please check the release notes in order to get an idea about what is new and what has been enhanced or fixed with this revision of Aspose.Cells for .NET. You can also install Aspose for .NET APIs directly from NuGet repository.

Create and Protect a Shared Excel Workbook in C#

Microsoft Excel allows you to create a shared workbook. When you share the workbook, then more … Continue Reading

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Apply Values Format Code to Chart Series and Interrupt Formula Calculations in the Workbook using Aspose.Cells for .NET 17.10

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We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Cells for .NET v17.10. This release includes some useful features along with critical bug fixes that further improve the overall stability of the APIs. Please check the release notes in order to get an idea about what is new and what has been enhanced or fixed with this revision of Aspose.Cells for .NET. You can also install Aspose for .NET APIs directly from NuGet repository.

Set the Values Format Code

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Tile Picture as a Texture Inside Shapes in Excel Worksheets in Android

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We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Cells for Android via Java 17.9. This release includes a number of new features, enhancements and several bug fixes that further improve the overall stability and usability of the API. Please check the release notes in order to get an idea about what is new and what has been fixed with this revision of Aspose.Cells for Android via Java. While you are downloading the latest build, here is a look at … Continue Reading

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