Author Archives: Amjad Sahi

Track conversion progress in image rendering with Aspose.Cells for .NET 19.10

Aspose.Cells for .NET logo Conversion of Excel spreadsheets to image formats always remains a hot topic. Sometimes, you claim the process takes too long. Others complain that the process gets stuck for larger files and they need to stop the process. Aspose.Cells has now included a useful feature where you can track the conversion progress in Sheet to image rendering in the way you want, you may notice which pages are being rendered in the process at the moment. Moreover, you can also convert … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

Adjust Excel Workbook Compression Level using C#

Guys, in the blog you will learn how to adjust the workbook compression level. You can also avail the useful feature to print multiple copies of a workbook and support for reading and rendering controls of ODS file. We suggest you to have a look at the release notes to get the complete list of features, enhancements and other fixes which are part of this new release. Let’s not wait another moment to review the release notes.  To get … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

Set ODS Background with Aspose.Cells for Android via Java v19.6

We are thrilled to present you all the exciting features, improvements and other fixes of Aspose.Cells for Android via Java v19.6. The new release includes new features, enhancements and other bug fixes that further improve the overall stability and usability of the Android API. You may check the release notes in order to get an idea about what is new and what has been fixed with this revision of Aspose.Cells for Android via Java. Let us start reviewing what … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

Convert Excel to PDF in PHP – Track Conversion Progress

Need to track conversion process while huge Excel files are being converted to PDF? Get the latest enhanced version of Aspose.Cells for PHP via Java 19.8 to use this exciting feature by adding just a few lines of codes. We present an updated and enhanced version of Aspose.Cells for PHP via Java v19.8. This time we have added new features for processing the ODS file background to create more user-friendly output files having color and image in the background. We Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

Convert Excel to PDF – Track Conversion Progress in Node.js

Do you want a feedback mechanism while huge Excel files are converted to PDF? Great! Get the latest enhanced version of Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java 19.8 to use this exciting feature by adding just a few lines of codes.

We are happy that once again we got the chance to present an updated and enhanced version of Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java v19.8. This time we have added new features for processing the ODS file background to create more … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

Detect Hyperlink Type in Excel with Aspose.Cells for .NET

Hyperlink type in XLSX Guys, in the blog you will learn how to categorize hyperlinks in order to select the appropriate method for processing each of these links. You may also explore and extract embedded MOL file. Moreover, we now provide a solution when rendering bigger files (having millions of pages in the sheet(s)). You may get total pages count before converting to PDF/Image, This is a good thing to know to decide whether to render or not to render. You may have a… Continue Reading
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Track Progress in Excel to PDF Conversion in C#

Do you need to track your Excel to PDF conversion for bigger files? Aspose.Cells can suit your needs; it provides a sort of callback event/mechanism that notifies you the progress of the conversion. All you need to do it is implement an interface and write your code using Aspose.Cells APIs for your needs. In this post, I will share how to track your conversions for Excel to PDF rendering. Moreover, Aspose.Cells now supports to convert combo charts precisely and elegantly … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

Renaming Aspose.Cells for JavaScript via Java to Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java

Aspose, a file formats API provider, has decided to rename Aspose.Cells for JavaScript via Java to Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java. Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java is a subset component that includes all the important and useful features present in its native Aspose.Cells for Java. Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java presents all the useful features of Aspose.Cells for Java using Node.js. It is a class library that enables you to perform a great range of spreadsheet processing tasks. … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

Read or Write SXC and FODS Files using C# with Aspose.Cells for .NET 19.6

Do you need to process SXC and FODS file formats and want to have an API to handle these files? Aspose.Cells is the right library which will enable you to open or edit and save both OpenOffice/LibreOffice file types. You may also find other features and enhancements in the new Aspose.Cells for .NET v19.6. So let’s not wait another moment to review the release notes.  To get complete details of the public release (Aspose.Cells for .NET v19.6), … Continue Reading

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Set ODS Background and Convert Dates to Japanese Dates in Excel using C#

Aspose.Cells for .NET logo

Hi Guys, in the blog you will learn how to use and implement some valuable features via Aspose.Cells. This time we have added new features regarding ODS file format. For example, you will learn on how to process the ODS file background to create furnished output files having color and image in the background. Moreover, Aspose.Cells provides a way to convert Gregorian dates to Japanese dates. You may find these exciting features and other enhancements in the release. So let’s … Continue Reading

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