Author Archives: Adnan Ahmad

Convert Raster Image to SVG using Aspose.Imaging for Java 17.6

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We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Imaging for Java 17.6. This is a major release in which we have implemented the support for exporting raster image to SVG along with support for setting replacement for missing fonts in images. We have also included the long-awaited support for the JPEG-LS image format as well in this release.


The following features have been introduced in this release.

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Work with JPEG-LS Image Format using C#

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Imaging for .NET 17.6. We have added some new features in this release including support for JPEG-LS image format and converting raster images to SVG. We have also included the support for setting replacement for missing fonts as well in this release.


Following features have been introduced in this release.

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Posted in Aspose.Imaging Product Family |

Improved HTML Export Options and Header Footer Support for Presentations

We are pleased to share the release announcement for Aspose.Slides for Java 17.5. This is primarily a maintenance release whereby we have resolved certain issues incurring in API.

New Features

Now, you can also export the slides to SVG by setting custom shape IDs that can be used by developers in their processing of exported SVG. Please visit the documentation article, Generating an SVG with Custom Shape IDs. We have also enhanced the HTML export for presentation by providing … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family |

Support for Header Footers in Aspose.Slides for .NET 17.5

We like to share the release announcement for Aspose.Slides for .NET 17.5. We have added some new features related to improved Header/Footer support and HTML export options in this release.

New Features

We have improved the Header/Footer support in Aspose.Slides and now you can set Header/Footer on individual slides level for normal slides, layout slides and master slides. It is pertinent to mention that if Header/Footer is defined on Master slide level then every layout slides and their respective normal … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family |

Improved imaging and text rendering support available in Aspose.Slides for JasperReport 17.5

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We like to share the release announcement for Aspose.Slides for JasperReports 17.5.

This release has been built on the basis of latest Aspose.Slides for Java 17.5 API. Aspose.Slides for Java 17.5 is enriched with some new features including addition of HeaderFooterManager class for slides, layout slides and Master slides. This will help to set the headers and footers properties on individual slides level. The presentation rendering support has also been improved for text, images and different chart elements.

We have … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family |

Improved table cells margin rendering support available in Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services 17.5

We like to share the release announcement for Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services 17.5.

This release has been developed based on Aspose.Slides for .NET 17.5. Aspose.Slides for .NET 17.5 has some new features including HeaderFooterManager class support for slides, layout slides and Master slides. This will help to set the headers and footers properties on individual slides level. The improved rendering support in Aspose.Slides for .NET will achieve better rendering of SQL Server reports when exporting to PowerPoint or other formats … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family |

Improved text and shapes rendering support available in Aspose.Slides for SharePoint 17.5

Aspose.Slides for SharePoint logoWe are pleased to share the release announcement of Aspose.Slides for SharePoint 17.5. This release has been developed based on Aspose.Slides for .NET 17.5. Aspose.Slides for .NET 17.5 has some new features including HeaderFooterManager class support for slides, layout slides and Master slides. This will help to set the headers and footers properties on individual slides level. The presentation rendering support has also been improved for text, images and different chart elements. This improved rendering will help when converting presentations … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family |

Support for extracting SWF data available in Aspose.Slides for Java 17.4

We are pleased to share the release announcement for Aspose.Slides for Java 17.4. We have included some new features support along with resolution of outstanding issues in this release.

New Features

Now, you can access the embedded SWF file data inside presentation and can even extract that using Aspose.Slides. Please visit documentation article, Extracting Flash objects from Presentation for more details. Now, you can also verify if any given presentation has been crated or modified using Aspose.Slides. For further details, … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family |

Improved printing support available in Aspose.Slides for .NET 17.4

We like to share the release announcement for Aspose.Slides for .NET 17.4. We have added some new features related to chart elements positioning and printing support in this API.

New Features

We have improved the printing support in this release and now you can set different print options including margins, print copies and print preview. Please visit documentation article, Setting print options dynamically for further details. You can now also verify if any given presentation has been crated or modified … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family |

Product release Aspose.Slides for JasperReport 17.4

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We like to share the release announcement for Aspose.Slides for JasperReports 17.4.

This release has been built on the basis of latest Aspose.Slides for Java 17.4 API. Aspose.Slides for Java 17.4 is enriched with improved charting and rendering support. Moreover, some new features, including options extracting SWF file data has also been included in API.

We have made several enhancements to the new API. Please refer to Aspose.Slides for JasperReports 17.4 Release Notes for further reference.

To download Aspose.Slides for … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family |