Convert DWF or DWFX to OBJ in C#

DWF DWFX to OBJ csharp

A DWF or DWFX file is a 2D or 3D drawing file that can include text, graphics, data, or three-dimensional models. Whereas, the Wavefront OBJ file is a geometry definition file format that contains 3D geometry like the position of each vertex, texture coordinates, vertex normal, etc. In certain scenarios, you might want to convert a DWF or DWFX file to an OBJ file. In accordance with such situations, this article covers how to convert a DWF or DWFX file to an OBJ file programmatically in C#.

DWF or DWFX to OBJ Conversion – C# API Installation

Aspose.CAD for .NET API supports creating, editing, or converting DWF, DWG, DXF, and several other CAD-related file formats. You may configure the API simply by downloading its reference files as the DLL files from the Downloads section or quickly install it by using  the following NuGet installation command:

PM> Install-Package Aspose.CAD

Convert DWF or DWFX to OBJ Format Programmatically in C#

In order to convert a DWF or DWFX file to the OBJ format, please follow the steps listed below:

  1. Load the input DWF or DWFX file using a DwfImage class object.
  2. Create an object of the ObjOptions class.
  3. Save the output file in OBJ format.

The code snippet below shows how to convert a DWF or DWFX file to OBJ file format programmatically in C#:

Explore More Features

You may take a look at other features to work with different CAD files by going through the documentation section.


In this article, you have learned how to convert a DWF or DWFX file to the OBJ file format. Furthermore, you may get in touch with us via the forum in case you want to discuss any of your concerns or queries.

See Also

Convert IFC to PDF in C#