Improvments to Copying Ranges Between Workbooks and Parsing HTML Strings in Aspose.Cells for .NET 7.4.2

Aspose.Cells logoAspose.Cells for .NET 7.4.2 has been released. This month’s release includes enhancements for copying ranges and numbers formatting. We have also made an enhancement to the List objects and Tables that are now copied when copying ranges between workbooks. Similarly, macros and VBA codes are copied in the XSLM file when you use the Workbook.Copy() method. We have fixed a few exceptions when manipulating PivotTables in the template file; we have also sorted out some issues regarding named ranges.

In this release, several important issues have been addressed. For example, issues around rendering Microsoft Excel files, rendering PivotTables, manipulating advanced conditional formatting, rendering image files and exporting to PDF have been resolved. Issues pertaining to the formula calculation engine have also been fixed.

Grid Control Enhancements

We have made a few enhancements in Aspose.Cells for .NET’s web based Grid control. For example, GridWeb now allows you to read data list on the client side. We also made enhancements and fixes some bugs regarding formula calculations. We have also improved performance when loading and working with big Excel files.

To see a complete list of enhancements and fixes and to download Aspose.Cells for .NET 7.4.2, please visit the download page.