Download and Run Aspose Examples on your Computer

We are excited to bring you the Aspose Examples Dashboard, a new utility available for both .NET and Java to help you quickly learn how to use Aspose products. The dashboard is designed to give you easy access to a wealth of useful example code for all Aspose .NET and Java products while making it easy to browse and find the code to solve the task you are looking for. Using the dashboard you can even run selected code examples directly and open the input and output documents with a click of a button.

We believe that by providing many small and easy to use examples along with the dashboard, we will greatly improve the experience of how you learn to use the features of our products. We aim to make it easier for new users to get started with our products and a way for existing users to find the exact code the feature or task that they are looking for.

Follow the links below to download the dashboard for either the .NET or Java platform to get started:

.NET Examples Dashboard
The .NET Examples Dashboard
Java Examples Dashboard
The Java Examples Dashboard

Features and Benefits of the Dashboard

Easy access to our online repository of examples for all Aspose products

We have hosted the source code for all our examples online on Github, a great website for code sharing. We intend to use Github as a central place to host all example code from now on so to make it easy for our developers to add new example code every day, which of course, means more helpful example code for you.

When you run the dashboard the example code for the products you chose is downloaded locally to your computer for you to work with. We have arranged the examples for each product into separate folders in order to group examples of the same topic and make it easy to find what you are looking for.

Always have up-to-date examples and libraries

Even better, any additions or changes to the examples on our online repository will be automatically synchronized to your computer from within the dashboard. Any Aspose libraries that you use within the dashboard are also updated so you can be sure you are running the latest release.

Explore and run examples from inside the dashboard

The dashboard presents a list of examples for all products in the left-hand navigation tree.

Each example provides:

  • A brief description of the example and the complete source code. To quickly use this code in your own projects use the Copy Code button to store the code to clipboard.
  • The ability to compile and execute the code dynamically from within the dashboard with a single click. Press Run Example to execute the code. During any output from
  • A list of any input documents and output documents that are produced. Click on an entry to open using the default viewer for the file type.
  • A link to related pages in the product documentation for further information.

Open the Examples in your Favorite IDE

In addition, the dashboard you can still open the example code in the IDE of your choice (such as Visual Studio for .NET platform or Eclipse for the Java platform).

.NET Examples

.NET users can open each example individually in their IDE by clicking on Open Solution from inside the dashboard or can open all examples at once by loading appropriate solution file at the root.

The solution/project files can be opened in all versions of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and above, MonoDevelop and SharpDevelop.

Java Examples

Importing the examples into any common IDE only takes a few simple steps. For full details refer to the readme.txt in the root folder of the examples.

System Requirements

System Requirements for the .NET Dashboard

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or later
  • Windows XP x86/x64 or later (Any version of Windows that can run .NET Framework 2.0)

System Requirements for the Java Dashboard

  • Java 7 or later (Runtime Environment only)
  • Windows XP x86/x64 or later (Any version of Windows that can run Java 7)
  • Ubuntu/Fedora x86/x64 (Any flavor or version of Linux that can run Java 7 or later)
  • Mac OS X version 10.7.3 (Lion) or later

Let us know your feedback

As always we are interested to hear from anyone regarding our products and applications. Please feel free to drop us a line on our forums with your feedback.