Aspose.Word 2 Years Anniversary

Not sure about the exact date, but it should be around now. Here are some statistics to entertain you on our birthday (I hope I’m not giving away too much trade secrets):

  • We’ve been working non-stop for 2 years, too many hours to count.
  • Aspose.Word source code is getting close to 100K lines.
  • The number of classes is around 600.
  • There are only 4 classes bigger than 1,000 lines of code. The biggest class is around 1,200 lines of code.
  • The number of unit tests for Aspose.Word is just under 1,000 at the moment.
  • I believe we reached 1,000 customers some time ago.
  • There are about 1,400 threads in the support forums. Hm… every customer asked 1.4 questions? Or we had too many evaluation questions that did not result in sales?
  • Some of my blog posts were read around 3,000 times, I guess I should choose topics and words carefully…

Thanks for your continued support and trust in our products.

Forgot to mention, there are no plans to slow down cranking out new an exciting features in the future.