Find and Replace Text in PDF using C#

C# find and replace text in PDF

The find and replace option makes it possible to replace a particular piece of text in a document in one go. This way, you do not have to locate and update each occurrence of the text in the whole document manually. This article even goes one step further and covers how to automate the find and replace text feature in PDF documents. Particularly, you will learn how to find and replace text in a whole PDF, a particular page, or a page region using C#.

C# API to Find and Replace Text in PDF

Aspose.PDF for .NET is a C# class library that provides basic as well as advanced PDF manipulation features for .NET applications. The API also lets you find and replace text in PDF files in different ways seamlessly. You can either download the API’s DLL or install it using NuGet.

PM> Install-Package Aspose.PDF

Find and Replace Text in PDF using C#

The following are steps to find and replace text in a PDF document.

The following code sample shows how to find and replace text in PDF using C#.

Replace Text in a Particular PDF Page using C#

The following are steps to find and replace text on a particular page in a PDF document.

The following code sample shows how to find and replace text in a particular page of the PDF using C#.

Replace Text in PDF Page Region using C#

You can also find and replace text in a particular region of the page in a PDF document. The following steps show how to define a particular region and then replace text within it.

The following code sample shows how to find and replace text in a particular page region in a PDF using C#.

Replace Text in PDF using Regular Expression in C#

You can also use regular expressions to find and replace the text occurrences matching a particular pattern. For this, you only need to provide a regular expression instead of the plain search phrase and use TextSearchOptions. The following are the steps to do so.

The following code sample shows how to find and replace text in a PDF using regular expression using C#.


PDF automation is widely adopted these days in order to manipulate PDF documents from within the web or desktop applications. This article covered a useful PDF automation feature of finding and replacing text programmatically using C#. The step by step guide and code samples have shown how to find and replace text in a whole PDF, a particular page in PDF, or a page region. You can explore more advanced features using the documentation of the API.

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