Some changes in Operator class names

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In recent release versions of Aspose.Pdf for .NET, we have made slight changes to the Operator class names. These changes have been introduced to make these names descriptive and understandable. Please take a look over following list which explains the changes in class names present under Aspose.Pdf namespace.

Example: Operator.b -> Operator.ClosePathFillStroke

  • b -> ClosePathFillStroke
  • B -> FillStroke
  • b_ -> ClosePathEOFillStroke
  • B_ -> EOFillStroke
  • BDC -> BDC
  • BI -> BI
  • BMC -> BMC
  • BT -> BT
  • BX -> BX
  • c -> CurveTo
  • cm -> ConcatenateMatrix
  • CS -> SetColorSpaceStroke
  • cs -> SetColorSpace
  • d -> SetDash
  • d0 -> SetCharWidth
  • d1 -> SetCharWidthBoundingBox
  • Do -> Do
  • DP -> DP
  • EI -> EI
  • EMC -> EMC
  • ET -> ET
  • EX -> EX
  • f -> Fill
  • F -> ObsoleteFill
  • f_ -> EOFill
  • G -> SetGrayStroke
  • g -> SetGray
  • gs -> GS
  • h -> ClosePath
  • i -> SetFlat
  • ID -> ID
  • j -> SetLineJoin
  • J -> SetLineCap
  • K -> SetCMYKColorStroke
  • k -> SetCMYKColor
  • l -> LineTo
  • m -> MoveTo
  • M -> SetMiterLimit
  • MP -> MP
  • n -> EndPath
  • q -> GSave
  • Q -> GRestore
  • re -> Re
  • RG -> SetRGBColorStroke
  • rg -> SetRGBColor
  • ri -> SetColorRenderingIntent
  • s -> ClosePathStroke
  • S -> Stroke
  • SC -> SetColorStroke
  • sc -> SetColor
  • SCN -> SetAdvancedColorStroke
  • scn -> SetAdvancedColor
  • sh -> ShFill
  • T_ -> MoveToNextLine
  • Tc -> SetCharacterSpacing
  • Td -> MoveTextPosition
  • TD -> MoveTextPositionSetLeading
  • Tf -> SelectFont
  • Tj -> ShowText
  • TJ -> SetGlyphsPositionShowText
  • TL -> SetTextLeading
  • Tm -> SetTextMatrix
  • Tr -> SetTextRenderingMode
  • Ts -> SetTextRise
  • Tw -> SetWordSpacing
  • Tz -> SetHorizontalTextScaling
  • v -> CurveTo1
  • w -> SetLineWidth
  • W -> Clip
  • W_ -> EOClip
  • y -> CurveTo2
  • _ -> MoveToNextLineShowText
  • __ -> SetSpacingMoveToNextLineShowText