Announcing our December sweepstake winner

Sydney, Australia – 13 January, 2012 – We’re delighted to announce the winner of the iPad 2  Facebook sweepstake that we announced in the December 2011 newsletter.

Winner iconIn December last year, Aspose ran a sweepstake that gave our Facebook followers a chance to win an iPad 2. All they had to do to enter was send us an email. Over the month, a healthy number of our fans entered the sweepstake and in early January we had a draw.

Draws are exciting. If you’ve ever attended a tombola or raffle, you’ll recognize the scene: everyone gathers round, number are put in a hat and a charming young person is selected to pull a ticket from the hat. The winning number is announced and there’s tense silence until someone jumps up, yelling with joy and waving their ticket in the air. We have a winner!

Of course, we couldn’t get everyone in one place – our fans are all over the globe – so we had to use a slightly different, but equally effective, method of random selection. The modern method may lack a little in spectacle, being entirely electronic, but we rather like random number generators.

The winner of the iPad 2 is Michael Sevast, from the U.S.A. When he first received the email he didn’t quite believe it but though that it was a hoax: it was that unexpected. A quick web search made it clear that, indeed, the sender worked for Aspose in a likely capacity and the email was genuine. Contact was established and the iPad 2 is making its way to Michael as I write this.

At Aspose we’re particularly excited because Ipsos, the company that Michael co-founded, is a long-term customer. Ipsos has used Aspose.Total for .NET for several years. There are no guarantees with sweepstakes – ours was open to anyone who wanted to join it – so it was a great piece of luck that the prize went to a customer. Here’s what Michael had to say about Aspose when he found out that he’d won:

WOW!  I am most surprised to see this email. Happy Monday!!

We have used the Apose.Total for .NET components, for several years now.  These tools greatly simplify our ability to interact with and export to known Microsoft formats.  The speed of these components saves us considerable time over custom in-house solutions.

We congratulate Michael Sevast on his win and hope he enjoys the iPad 2. We look forward to supporting his company in the future.

About Aspose

Aspose are file format experts. They offer a powerful set of file management components with which developers can create applications which can open, edit, create and save some of the most popular business file formats. The product range includes word processing componentsExcel spreadsheet componentsPDF components and many others. Supported formats include Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, PDF documents, Flash presentations and Project files. Aspose produce components for .NET, Java and SharePoint as well as rendering extensions for SQL Server Reporting Services and JasperReports exporters. Aspose.Total compiles all products for a platform into a powerful toolbox for developers.

Aspose Pty Ltd has been operating since 2002. The headquarters are in Australia, and the company has teams in USA, Scotland, Ukraine and Pakistan.

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