Aspose.Cells for Java 7.0.4 enhances reading HTML and ODS files

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Aspose.Cells for Java 7.0.4 adds a number of useful enhancements, especially regarding HTML and ODS file formats. The rest of this article describes some of the features and enhancements that are included in this release in detailed manner.

You can download the latest Aspose.Cells for Java release from the following link: Aspose.Cells for Java 7.0.4

Aspose.Cells for Java now supports reading even common HTML files. We have also added support for reading charts and other shapes in ODS files. We have enhanced the worksheet’s copy operation and provided more useful options while copying worksheets between workbooks. You can load text and CSV files with your desired parsers.

We have added improvements to the advanced conditional formatting for XLS files and added some other fixes and enhancements too. You’ll see a full list of fixes and enhancements from the list mentioned on the download page.