Email support is merged into Aspose.Forums now!

Since May 8, 2005, email support is merged into Aspose.Forums, which is powered by Community Server::Forums. If you send an email to any of our public emails, you will get an automatic notice that will request you to re-post your question in an appropriate forum.

Warning: All of our public emails are not attended any more. Only after you have re-posted your questions at the forums, can you get our replies.

As an alternative to email support, we provide an option “Keep this post private” at the AddPost.aspx page.

If your questions include some sensitive info that is inappropriate to be public, please check “Keep this post private” then your post can be seen by you and our developers and sales only. No other customers or visitors can see it. We hope this feature serves the same purpose of email support.

Important: Our teams are from world wide and work in different time zones. Merging email support into the forums would create a completely collaborative support platform for us. Put simply, I promise you will get much more prompt support from us.

We appreciate your cooperation to post all your questions in the forums and feel free to post your concerns or suggestions.