Convert XPS or OXPS to PDF Programmatically using C#

XPS and OXPS files are frequently used for printing because of their resolution independence. However, sometimes we need to convert XPS to PDF or OXPS to PDF. Aspose.Page for .NET API lets you perform these conversions with high-fidelity and quick rendering. Let us explore the following use cases:

Convert XPS to PDF Programmatically using C#

XPS to PDF conversion is simple with Aspose.Page for .NET API. We will be learning the following approaches to perform XPS file conversion:

i) Convert Specific Pages of XPS to PDF in C#

For converting selected pages of XPS document to PDF, please follow the steps below:

  1. Initialize XPS input stream
  2. Load XPS document from stream
  3. Initialize PdfSaveOptions object
  4. Specify page numbers for conversion
  5. Save the document as PDF file

Below code snippet follows these steps and shows how to convert XPS to PDF using C#:

This code snippet uses an XPS document containing several pages, as the input file. Whereas, only page numbers 1 and 3 are converted to PDF as specified in the code snippet. Following screenshot displays 2 pages rendered to PDF document:


ii) Convert All Pages of XPS to PDF in C#

You can convert a whole XPS file to PDF. Follow the steps below and all pages of the XPS file will be converted to a PDF file:

  1. Load input XPS file
  2. Initialize options object with necessary parameters
  3. Create an instance of PdfDevice for rendering
  4. Export XPS to PDF document

Below code snippet is based on all these steps which shows how to convert XPS file to PDF using C# language:

Convert OXPS to PDF using C#

OXPS format is an updated and advanced form of XPS file format. However, such files are not supported by some old operating systems. Aspose.Page for .NET API is capable of converting OXPS files as well. Let us proceed to learn the following usage scenarios:

i) Convert Some Pages of OXPS to PDF in C#

An OXPS file may contain many pages and any number of pages can be converted to PDF by following below steps:

  1. Load OXPS file
  2. Declare PdfSaveOptions object
  3. Set the page number(s) that you want to convert
  4. Render OXPS to PDF

Following code snippet shows how to convert OXPS to PDF using C#. It converts the first page of the OXPS file to PDF as mentioned in the code snippet.

ii) Convert All Pages of OXPS to PDF in C#

Converting all pages of OXPS is simple and related to the example we have considered above. Let us follow the steps below and convert all pages of OXPS file to a single PDF document:

  1. Initialize OXPS input stream
  2. Load the OXPS file from stream
  3. Instantiate an object of PdfSaveOptions class
  4. Export OXPS to PDF file

Below code snippet follows these steps one by one and converts OXPS to PDF using C#:


In this article, you have learned how to convert XPS to PDF and OXPS to PDF programmatically using C#. You have learned with C# code examples and screenshots about high fidelity, efficient, and quick file format conversion. You can further explore Aspose.Page for .NET API with the help of API documentation and API references. Moreover, feel free to ask any inquiry at Free Support Forums.

See Also

Create or Edit XPS Documents Programmatically in C++