Aspose.Slides for Java released!

Hot fix contains:
  • New: Support for PictureFrames with linked images. See isPictureLinked() and getPictureFileName() functions.
  • Fixed: Better recognizing master textholders and correct drawing it on thumbnails.
  • Changed: isTextHolder() function moved from Rectangle to Shape class.
  • New: Shape.isMasterTextHolder() function.
  • New: Slide.isMasterSlide() function.
  • Fixed: Exception when getEffectiveTabs function called.
  • Fixed: Correct calculating height of rows in a table if information about table is broken in ppt file.
  • Fixed: Creating new notes for a slide. Ppt file or some slides could be unreadable with PP2003 SP2.
  • New: Updating “wrong” header of ppt files which is unreadable by PP2003 SP2 after adding new slides to a presentation.