Utilize Smart Markers Grouping and Sorting Data Features, Support for JDK1.7 and LightCells APIs Included in Aspose.Cells for Java 7.0.2

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We are happy to release Aspose.Cells for Java v7.0.2. We have made several enhancements, including improvements to the Sheet-to-Image and Excel-to-PDF features. We have also fixed number of user issues.

In this version, we provide support for group and sort data in Smart Markers feature. This feature was one that our users wanted to see and adding support for it means that the Java and .NET versions of Aspose.Cells are more in line with each other. You can now place dynamic rows for sub-totals, totals etc. in between the sections of data while grouping data for your scenarios. We have also included support for JDK1.7 and LightCells APIs for saving XLSX files.

There are some other enhancements and fixes too.

Download URL: http://www.aspose.com/community/files/72/java-components/aspose.cells-for-java/entry335888.aspx