Aspose.Grid 1.5.3 released!

We have just released Aspose.Grid 1.5.3!

Enhancement and bugfix in this release:


1.Column validation supported.
2.Column control supported.
3.R1C1 reference style supported.
4.Sorting supported.


Fixed bugs:
1.When the number of rows is greater than about 100, FreezePanes(Fixed Rows/Columns) sometimes disappeared.
2.When multi-select a range of cells and paste data, readonly cells are modified.
3.DropDownList type cells can be deleted.
4.Column’s width are not proper at some region settings.

1.Support setting custom column/row header captions(WebCells.SetRowCaption, WebCells.SetColumnCaption).
2.Support sorting a range of cells, both top to bottom and left to right orientation(WebCells.Sort).
3.Support export cells data to a DataTable object(WebCells.Export).

4.Support client-side cells borders setting(Format Cells Dialog Box).
5.Aspose.Grid.Web UI Designer. Runs from System Start Menu or Visual Studio Environment(Only Support .net 1.0/1.1 by far).