Aspose Newsletter October, 2011

Announcing our 10,000th Customer: Joel Heinrich, M-Files

Joel Heinrich at M-Files is our 10,000th customer. M-Files have created a document management solution that helps many thousands of organizations manage, find and locate documents and information. They will use Aspose.Total to implement Quality Management System features. Joel’s comment on his first experience with the Aspose.Total was: “It’s really too bad M-Files didn’t find Aspose years ago!” Read the news release.

Thank you for reading!
John Owens, Aspose Scotland Team Leader

Product Spotlight – Migrating from Aspose.Network to Aspose.Email

We are renaming Aspose.Network. Aspose.Email for Java will replace Aspose.Network for Java. Aspose.Email for SharePoint will replace Aspose.Email for SharePoint. Aspose.Email for .NET takes email features from Aspose.Network and focuses these in a separate product. This article explains the changes and informs you how to migrate from one to the other. Read the article.

Technical Article – Integrating Aspose.Pdf for SSRS with SharePoint

We are always keen to share the various different ways our tools can be used. This month’s technical article takes up the thread started last month and explains how to integrate Aspose.Pdf for Reporting Services with SharePoint. Read the article.

Tutorial Video – Getting Started with Aspose.Pdf for JasperReports

In five and a half minutes, we show you how to install and configure Jasper Server to use Aspose.Pdf for JasperReports. You can be and running in four simple steps. Watch the tutorial.

Migration Tip – Updating Shape Properties with Aspose.Diagram

When you work with Microsoft Visio diagrams there are situations when you want to change shape attributes from within your application. This migration tip compares two approaches: with Aspose.Diagram and without. Read the migration tip.

New Releases and Updates

  • Aspose.Total for .NET – a compilation of our latest .NET products.
  • Aspose.Cells for .NET 7.0.1 – a hotfix that introduces a new overload method.
  • Aspose.Words for .NET – updated at the end of the month, every month.
  • Aspose.Pdf for .NET 6.2.0 – adds support for PDF to DOC conversion and a large number of enhancements and fixes.
  • Aspose.Slides for .NET 5.5.0 – improves chart handling and rendering.
  • Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET 5.9.0 – because this product is discontinued from October 1st, this is expected to be the last release of Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET. Its features are merged into Aspose.Pdf for .NET.
  • Aspose.Network for .NET 6.8.0 – adds new event and email handling features and a number of fixes. Note that Aspose.Network is renamed Aspose.Email.
  • Aspose.Email for .NET 1.0.0 – the new name for Aspose.Network for .NET.
  • Aspose.Diagram for .NET 1.5.0 – adds support for line ends, layout and image rendering and fixes.
  • Aspose.Total for Java – a compilation of our latest Java products.
  • Aspose.Cells for Java 7.0.1 – hotfix that adds a number of enhancements and fixes exceptions and bugs.
  • Aspose.Words for Java – updated at the end of the month, every month
  • Aspose.Pdf for Java 3.0.1 – hotfix that adds PCL to PDF conversion, CCIFF encoding and other enhancements and fixes.
  • Aspose.Network for Java 2.3.0 – adds PCL to PDF conversion and improved font handling and image to PDF conversion.
  • Aspose.Total for SharePoint – a compilation of our latest SharePoint products.
  • Aspose.Total for SSRS – a compilation of our latest Reporting Services products.
  • Aspose.Pdf for SSRS 2.3.0 – adds support for SharePoint and a number of fixes.
  • Aspose.Total for JasperReports – a compilation of our latest JasperReports products.
  • Aspose.BarCode for JasperReports 1.6.0 – adds ITF6 barcode generation, auto checksum generation for ITF14 and other features.

Discontinued Products

Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET is discontinued from October 1st, 2011. Find out how that affects you.

Too busy to evaluate?

If you are too busy to evaluate our products, take the shortcut of a good conversation with our sales team. They are here to answer your questions, no matter how detailed. Contact sales today.

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