Aspose.Words 3.5.2 Released

New Features

  • Added ClearFormatting method for RowFormat and CellFormat classes.
  • Added SaveOptions.HtmlExportHeadersFooters that specifies whether to output primary headers and footers to HTML.


  • List bullet is exported as asterisk to PDF.
  • Missing table borders when exporting to PDF. 
  • Table with zero width column causes exception when exporting to PDF.
  • A particular image causes exception when exporting to PDF.
  • Document opens with ‘Drop down form field in old format’ error.
  • RowFormat.AllowBreakAcrossPages is not saved.
  • ‘Unknown cell spacing sides’ error when openning document in Aspose.Words.
  • MailMerge.Execute truncates merge field names by underscore sign (“_”).
  • Table borders are sometimes not set correctly after InsertHtml.