Aspose Newsletter, August 2011

Welcome to Aspose’s August Newsletter

August already! Where is 2011 going!? Well, as ever it’s been a busy time here at Aspose. Earlier this month we released Aspose.OCR for .NET which allows you to add OCR capabilities to your applications with the ease you’d expect from Aspose components. As with all new components you can download Aspose.OCR for .NET today at no additional cost if you have a valid Aspose.Total for .NET subscription.

Upgrade to Aspose.PDF for .NET V6.0 – Aspose.PDF.Kit for .NET and Aspose.PDF for .NET have now been merged. Customers can now create and edit PDF files from within one product. Upgrade to version 6.0 of Aspose.PDF for .NET to ensure you migrate your code to the latest version of Aspose.PDF for .NET before support is retired in October 2011. Find out more.

As you may know, our SharePoint range of products has recently been extended with the introduction of Aspose.Network for SharePoint. Along with this growth our SharePoint range is getting some rave reviews. Frustrated by SharePoint’s built in document handling capabilities? Download a free no obligation trial today to boost SharePoint’s capabilities and allow users to get their documents in the formats they need them in.

Many thanks,
John Owens, Aspose Scotland Team Leader

Changes to Support

We are making some changes to which support options we offer our users. To ensure that customers are getting the most appropriate level of support, we now offer Priority Support to customers who have Developer licenses (Developer Small Business or Developer OEM). Enterprise Support is offered to customers with Site licenses (Site Small Business, Site OEM). We are also changing the pricing of support to better reflect the benefits the different options offer. Read more about our support options.

Product Spotlight – Aspose.OCR for .NET

Aspose.OCR for .NET was released on 5 July, 2011. Aspose.OCR recognizes when an image file, BMP or TIFF in the initial release, contains text and can convert the bitmap images to editable text. It does so quickly and effectively, saving time and processing resources. As well as recognizing characters, Aspose.OCR recognizes text formatting and can tell bold and italicized text from plain text. It supports Arial and Times New Roman fonts in various sizes. Download and evaluate Aspose.OCR for .NET.

Technical Article – Dynamically setting column with Aspose.Pdf

With Aspose.Pdf for .NET developers can create table objects and place them in PDF files. This technical article shows how to use Aspose.Pdf (merged) to dynamically set column width based on the number of cells in a row when adding a table to a PDF file. Read the full article.

Tutorial Video – Extracting text from a block in an image with Aspose.OCR

This video tutorial shows how to use Aspose.OCR for .NET to scan a specific block of an image. Step by step it walks you through how to load an image, specify the language and configuration settings, specify the recognition block, set a resource path and start the OCR process. The tutorial is just under three minutes long. Watch the tutorial video.

Migration Tip – Saving VSD files as other formats from Aspose.Diagram

Aspose.Diagram for .NET lets developers work with Microsoft Visio diagrams without using Microsoft Automation. It is possible to open a Microsoft Visio diagram and export it to other file formats using VSTO as well as Aspose.Diagram. Achieving this task using Aspose.Diagram for .NET takes fewer lines of code, as this migration tip shows. Read the migration tip.

New Releases and Updates
  1. Aspose.Total for .NET – a compilation of our latest .NET products.
  2. Aspose.Cells for .NET 6.0.1 – hotfix with a number of improvements to performance and features.
  3. Aspose.Words for .NET – updated on the 30th of the month every month.
  4. Aspose.Pdf for .NET 6.0.0 – the first release of the merged Aspose.Pdf and Aspose.Pdf.Kit product.
  5. Aspose.Slides for .NET 5.3.0 – support for ActiveX control on slide, SmartArt and more.
  6. Aspose.BarCode for .NET 4.2.0 – adds ITF6 read/write capability and support for several symbologies on Silverlight.
  7. Aspose.Tasks for .NET 3.9.0 – adds features to read extended attributes from MPP files and a number of fixes.
  8. Aspose.Network for .NET 6.6.0 – adds a number of improvements and fixes.
  9. Aspose.Diagram for .NET 1.3.0 – adds write/read support for VTX and VDW files along with a number of other features and improvements.
  10. Aspose.OCR for .NET 1.0.0 – the first release of our OCR product.
  11. Aspose.Total for Java – a compilation of our latest Java products.
  12. Aspose.Words for Java – updated on the 30th of the month every month.
  13. Aspose.Slides for Java 2.6.0 – includes a number of fixes.
  14. Aspose.Pdf.Kit for Java 3.9.0 – adds functionality for getting a list of fonts used in a document and a number of fixes.
  15. Aspose.BarCode for Java 2.7.0 – introduces Java ME SDK support and a number of symbologies for J2ME.
  16. Aspose.Network for Java 2.2.0 – introduces support for working with MBOX and VCARD files.
  17. Aspose.Total for Reporting Services – a compilation of our latest Reporting Services products.
  18. Aspose.Total for JasperReports – a compilation of our latest JasperReports products.
  19. Aspose.Pdf for JasperReports 1.1.0 – introduces text rotation parameter, alignment and access privileges and adds a number of fixes.
  20. Aspose.Total for SharePoint – a compilation of our latest SharePoint products.

Too busy to evaluate?

If you are too busy to evaluate our products, take the shortcut of a good conversation with our sales team. They are keen to answer your questions, no matter how detailed. Contact sales today.

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