Cevisio Implemented MS Word document Preview and Print while preserving original formatting using Aspose APIs

About Cevisio

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Cevisio Software und Systeme GmbH & Co. KG is a system house based in Germany and was founded in 2001. Our two company branches (hardware and software) are complementary and enable us to offer the best care for our clients. We offer consultation services, system integration, network services, and business software. Our longstanding experience and wide expertise in the IT business have shown that there was no software available that matches every company and connects each department. Therefore we developed our own business software that asserted itself on the market.


Document management is an important part of our business software. One important feature is the software independent document preview. In the past, we used a .NET component for this purpose. But with increasing document complexity, we faced the problem that preview and printing resulted in the different layout as compared to original Microsoft Word documents. Especially the number of generated pages, line breaks, margins, and paragraphs was incorrect. Even whole symbols were missing, as seen in figure 1. As a result, more and more clients complained about these formatting anomalies and we had to look for a better solution. As the majority of our clients needed an instant resolution, we evaluated other components to substitute the one we were using.

Document preview using Aspose.Words
Image 1:- Comparison: Original document, preview using original control, preview using Aspose.Words


We evaluated and compared several products including advantages, and disadvantages. During comparisons, we were concerned about component quality, implementation effort, and the component pricing and licensing. We were forced to find a better working solution and because of all its benefits, we finally chose Aspose.Words for .NET. We performed very hard tests and fed Aspose.Words for .NET with several hundred Word documents. Only Aspose.Words for .NET rendered even the most complex documents without any recognizable differences. The original document, preview, and print results were very identical.


Finding a solution

Because of the mentioned rendering issues with the original control, we were forced to find and implement a new component. In the wide range of products and components on the market, we came across Aspose.Words for .NET. Aspose.Words for .NET was the only tested component that met all our needs and requirements. Additionally, the Aspose support team answered our implementation questions prompt and to our full satisfaction, so we selected Aspose.Words for .NET.


The implementation of Aspose.Words for .NET into our business software was done without any problems. Technical and developer support in both personal and e-mail contact was outstanding.


Choosing Aspose.Words for .NET was the correct solution. Our clients became very pleased to save time as well as money.

Next Steps

Because of our excellent experiences with Aspose.Words for .NET as a product and as a company, we will keep them in mind for upcoming projects. Additionally, we consider implementing other Aspose components for .NET into our software.


Aspose.Words for .NET proved exactly what we were looking for “a component you can rely on”. The Aspose.Words for .NET met all our expectations and convinced in practice.

Alexandra Sprebitz and Alexandra Rappolt
Cevisio Software und Systeme GmbH & Co. KG