Focal Point Software Implemented Interactive PDF Features such as Bookmarks and Annotations with Aspsoe.PDF for .NET

About Focal Point Software

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Focal Point Software is a development and consultancy company specializing in Intelligent Document Recognition software. It develops software that automatically classifies and extracts key data from documents, regardless of source or format.

It was set up in 2009 by consultants with over 30 years’ experience in developing and using Intelligent Document Recognition software. The team is passionate about the smart use of technology to increase the efficiency of document-centric business processes.


Focal Point was already using PDF components from other vendors to extract content from PDF files and then perform other basic manipulations on PDF documents. However, we were unhappy with these components for a number of commercial and technical reasons, such as inflexible licensing models, needing to pay extra for additional functionality, limited support, and missing features.


As a result of these issues, Focal Point looked again at the market for alternative components that would better meet their needs. After trialing several PDF toolkits, we adopted Aspose.PDF for .NET as the best fit for our requirements. Within Focal Point’s Document Analysis SDK, which is a toolkit for automatically classifying documents and extracting or matching key data, Apose.PDF for .NET was used to support the input of PDF files in all formats (scanned or electronic) and also to make innovative use of interactive PDF features such as bookmarks and annotations to provide input and output of data.


Finding a solution

Focal Point made an extensive search of the market and trialed several products before choosing Aspose.PDF for .NET. We made use of the free trial and found that support via the product forums was highly responsive and of high quality.


Focal Point’s re-implementation of their PDF features based on Aspose.PDF for .NET took around 2 weeks in total. Where there were questions or issues, Aspose’s support team has been incredibly helpful and was able to provide code samples or fixes when needed. Overall, the transition was very smooth, and Focal Point (and its customers!) were delighted with the results.


Aspose.PDF for. NET is being used for all aspects of handling PDF input and output within Focal Point’s Document Analysis SDK and has been installed on some large-scale systems and is showing good performance and stability.

Next Steps

Focal Point’s software components also include support for a wide variety of other documents formats, including Office documents and emails, so we will be looking closely at an upgrade to Aspose.Total in the future.


From all aspects of working with Aspose, we have been delighted when it came to working with the software or interaction with the sales or technical teams. They proved to be straightforward and professional and were always looking forward to a fruitful ongoing relationship.

George Harpur
Focal Point Software