SalamanderSoft uses Aspose.Words for SharePoint for education solutions

Glasgow, Scotland – June 14, 2011 – Information technology exists to make sharing information and performing many business tasks, from presenting data to storing records, easier.  Microsoft SharePoint is one of the many applications that aim to help businesses streamline how they store and share data. It is used by organisations large and small across the globe. One of SharePoint’s great strengths, its flexibility, also means that it can take organisations a lot of work to get the system so that it suits their exact needs. This has created a market for SharePoint developers and admin professionals who help companies set up, configure and customize their SharePoint systems. Aspose provides SharePoint components that make these professionals’ job a little easier.

SalamanderSoft, a UK company dedicated to providing products and solutions to the education sector, see the value of SharePoint but understand that different types of organisations have very specific needs. There’s an increasing requirement for schools to share information and make services available online. They must do so securely and the system they use must be to budget.

“Installation is a cinch”

Salamander SharePoint Learning KIT (SLK) synchronises SharePoint with a school’s MIS. Teachers can then use the SLK to assign work to pupils. For the SLK reporting module, SalamanderSoft needed to convert student reports delivered in Microsoft Word XML format to Acrobat PDF files. SharePoint does not have an in-built PDF conversion feature and Microsoft Automation was not stable enough to use. After careful investigation they chose Aspose.Words for SharePoint because

  • installation was a cinch,
  • the document conversion is as good as it can get without opening Word and
  • the technical support is fantastic.

“Probably the most powerful feature”

Richard Willis, who owns SalamanderSoft, wrote a review of Aspose.Words for SharePoint. In it he mentions how easy it was to install and use the component.  Read the full review.

Richard liked the fact that Aspose.Words for SharePoint makes it equally easy to convert one file or many and that the conversion feature can be added to a workflow – this, he says, “is probably the most powerful feature on the conversion side of the product“. It is easy to set up and a very useful feature.

SalamanderSoft are not the only of your customers who have good things to say about Aspose’s SharePoint products. Red Gate used them to easily share management reports with external advisers. Read the Red Gate case study.


About Aspose

Aspose are file format experts. They offer a powerful set of file management components with which developers can create applications which can open, edit, create and save some of the most popular business file formats. The product range includes word processing componentsExcel spreadsheet componentsPDF components and many others. Supported formats include Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, PDF documents, Flash presentations and Project files. Aspose produce components for .NET, Java and SharePoint as well as rendering extensions for SQL Server Reporting Services and JasperReports exporters. Aspose.Total compiles all products for a platform into a powerful toolbox for developers.

Aspose Pty Ltd has been operating since 2002. The headquarters are in Australia, and the company has teams in USA, Scotland, Ukraine and Pakistan.

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