Zarca Interactive implemented Reliable Export Capability for Report Charts into high-quality Images

About Zarca Interactive

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Zarca Interactive is committed to providing quality solutions and services that empower our customers to view and use feedback data as a strategic asset. Our software platform is ASP-based and requires no software to buy, install or maintain. To access your account, simply login from our homepage.
Our platform is conveniently structured based on modules for designing, distributing, analyzing and exporting surveys. Our clients find the “flow” of our software to be the industry’s most user-friendly and robust they have found.

Scalable Survey Solutions

Our survey solution sets itself apart by offering clients the highest response rates, data of the utmost reliability and quality and panel management techniques that ensure long-lasting relationships with survey participants.

Our organization-wide feedback management tool integrates seamlessly with current data infrastructures like CRMs and communication protocols like LDAP and API.

Zarca offers an end-to-end solution for any size organization to manage their stakeholder feedback most effectively and bring strategic value into data-driven decision-making.

Survey Design

Creating powerful surveys has never been easier or so timely. Our intuitive interface guides users along every step of the survey design process.

Zarca surveys are enhanced with cutting-edge features like Branching (skip-logic), Customizable branding and look-and-feel, Survey Bank with loads of pre-designed surveys, Long list of survey question types, Personalization features and much more.

Data Analysis & Reporting

We concentrated much of our resources into building the most robust, On-Demand reporting and analysis engine. Our reports enable you to perform a range of basic to complex analysis.

From a simple Response Table that shows the responses of each participant, to a more in-depth Conditional Report that applies filters to drill-down and disaggregate survey data, our reports provide a one-stop-shop for all your analytical needs.

We offer 11 Out-of-Box Reports, each offering a unique analytic capability.

We also provide 10 Custom Charts and Graphs to make your presentations more engaging and eye-catching.

Professional Services

Zarca’s expert survey methodologists will help manage any part of your survey initiative, essentially becoming a member of your organization to ensure the project’s success.

Professional Services include a Strategic overview of survey needs, Survey design, Results validation, Data analysis, interpretation, and Reports creation.

Requirements Scenario

Data analysis and data representation are fundamental parts of the Zarca online survey tool. We allow exporting survey data into Microsoft Word, MS Excel, etc. The constant demand for exporting high-quality charts brought our attention to implement, Export graphs to Microsoft PowerPoint‟ format.

We required .NET application compatible tool to display report charts with high-quality images reliably in PowerPoint format without any user interface problems.

The additional requirements included reliable data conversion from HTML to PowerPoint with less engineering effort.

Solution Implementation

After evaluating various options, Zarca decided to use the Aspose component Aspose.Slides for .NET for its application. We implemented the feature to export report charts to Microsoft PowerPoint with the help of Aspose.Slides for .NET and found that it fully met our requirements of exporting and displaying high-quality charts in PowerPoint format. The best part has been that we managed to accomplish this with minimal effort.


Aspose.Slides for .NET helped Zarca product to maintain high-quality export and display of report charts. Other benefits of Aspose.Slides for .NET included:

  • Easy deployment with the minimal engineering effort
  • Efficient, well managed and structured
  • High-quality output with 100% reliability

Future Implementations

So far we have implemented the Aspose product in data analysis and report module. After our client’s feedback, we may consider extending the use of Aspose.Slides for .NET in other modules. We also look forward to using other Aspose products as per requirements in other Zarca modules.


After the successful implementation of the evaluation version and internal testing on Aspose.Slides for .NET, we made a decision to purchase it. Aspose technical support has been quick to respond to any questions or issues. We are very satisfied with the product suite and would highly recommend it.

Zarca reporting module generates a report with survey data and displays charts where necessary. It also gives the option to export the report data in Word, Excel and PowerPoint formats.

Chart preview in Zarca solution
Image 1:- Preview of a chart in Zarca solution
Preview of chart exported using Aspose.Slides for .NET
Image 2:- Output chart of Aspose.Slides for .NET in Microsoft PowerPoint.

Dipandra Kumar Agrawal
Manager, Quality Assurance Department