Convert Excel to PDF – Track Conversion Progress using Java

Do you want a feedback mechanism while huge Excel files are converted to PDF? Great! Get the latest enhanced version of Aspose.Cells for Java 19.7 to use this exciting feature by adding just a few lines of codes.

We are happy that once again we got the chance to present an updated and enhanced version of Aspose.Cells for Java v19.5. This time we have added new features for processing the ODS file background to create more user-friendly output files having color and image in the background. We have also enhanced our rendering features to HTML, PDF and improvements in many functions of common use. Well, I think rather than writing a lot about these features one by one, better to have a brief overview of the new version from the release notes and then start exploring this release. What do you say?

Java Excel to PDF – Track Conversion Progress

You are converting a huge Excel file to PDF, watching the loading screen and waiting for the program to finish the task. A lot of patience is required for this and it seems that there should be something which shows the document conversion progress. That’s it. We have achieved this functionality by providing the IPageSavingCallBack interface. Using this interface you will be able to get the total number of pages which are to be rendered to PDF along with the methods PageStartSaving and PageEndSaving. These methods should be implemented in some custom class which will continuously provide the current page number which is being rendered and the total number of pages. Using this custom class you can use a variety of graphical controls or simply display text in a console application to show the document conversion progress page by page.

Here is a ready to run example along with a custom class sample where these methods implementation is demonstrated. Just copy this code and enjoy the new progress monitoring feature.

The following is the code for the TestPageSavingCallback custom class.

Here is the sample output of the program:

Start saving page index 0 of pages 11
End saving page index 0 of pages 11
Start saving page index 1 of pages 11
End saving page index 1 of pages 11
Start saving page index 2 of pages 11
End saving page index 2 of pages 11
Start saving page index 3 of pages 11
End saving page index 3 of pages 11
Start saving page index 4 of pages 11
End saving page index 4 of pages 11
Start saving page index 5 of pages 11
End saving page index 5 of pages 11
Start saving page index 6 of pages 11
End saving page index 6 of pages 11
Start saving page index 7 of pages 11
End saving page index 7 of pages 11
Start saving page index 8 of pages 11
End saving page index 8 of pages 11

Following is the summary of this new feature:

  • Get total number of pages which can be rendered
  • Get trigger when a page rendering is started with page index
  • Get trigger when a page rendering is finished with page index
  • Cancel or abort an operation at a particular page as per your requirement

Convert XLS to XLSX with Combo Chart

Older versions of Aspose.Cells were not converting the XSL to XLSX with Combo charts properly as these charts were being flattened. The good news is that this shortcoming is no more there with the release of this new version as this issue is addressed and the charts can be rendered correctly.

Following comparisons show the results before and after this update.

The result before the update

The result after the update

So what are you waiting for? Open your IDE and start testing these new features using this latest release Aspose.Cells for Java 19.7. You may also consult the Developer’s Guide for all the details of Aspose.Cells and if need a ready to run project with all the examples, just click here and download the project from GitHub. Forums are there for assisting you and answering all your queries about this product. That’s all for this version and see you with the release of the next version soon.