Renaming Aspose.Cells for JavaScript via Java to Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java

Aspose, a file formats API provider, has decided to rename Aspose.Cells for JavaScript via Java to Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java. Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java is a subset component that includes all the important and useful features present in its native Aspose.Cells for Java. Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java presents all the useful features of Aspose.Cells for Java using Node.js. It is a class library that enables you to perform a great range of spreadsheet processing tasks. Aspose.Cells for JavaScript via Java is a scalable and feature rich API that offers spreadsheet format conversion, styling of worksheets at every level, chart management & rendering, and our reliable Formula Calculation Engine. Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java supports XLS, XLSX, ODS, SpreadsheetML, CSV, Tab Delimited, HTML/MHTML, PDF, XPS and other formats. With Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java you can generate, modify, convert and render Excel documents. You will have full programmatic access through a rich APIs set to all MS Excel document objects and formatting that allows to create, modify, extract, copy, merge, and replace spreadsheet content. With Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java, developers can export data, format spreadsheets to the most granular level, create, manipulate and render charts, apply and calculate complex formulas efficiently and much more.

Important to Know

Please note, The APIs structure still remains the same, so it won’t disturb our existing clients who can still use the APIs without any changes in the code. We will soon revamp the Wiki Conf. Docs accordingly. We will also change Aspose.Cells for JavaScript via Java node to Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java in Downloads section. Moreover, Aspose.Cells for JavaScript via Java product pages will be soon updated. Similarly, API Reference section for the product and other important areas will be accommodated accordingly.