Read or Write Markdown Text in Java using Aspose.Words for Java 19.7

Hello guys, let’s check out what’s new for you in Aspose.Words for Java 19.7  release.

Support for Markdown Features

Markdown is a simple way to format plain text that can easily be converted to HTML. Markdown features currently supported by Aspose.Words are {Headings, Block quotes, Horizontal rules, Bold emphasis, Italic emphasis}. The Markdown feature implementation mostly follows the CommonMark specification in Aspose.Words API and all the features are represented as corresponding styles or direct formatting. Which means that:

  • Bold and Italic are represented as Font.Bold and Font.Italic.
  • Headings are paragraphs with Heading 1 – Heading 6 styles
  • Quotes are paragraphs with “Quote” in style name
  • HorizontalRule is a paragraph with HorizontalRule shape

For more details, please read the following article.

Linked TextBoxes in Word Document

TextBox class is used to specify how text is displayed inside Shape. It provides a public property Parent to get the parent Shape of the TextBox and to allow to find linked Shape from linked TextBox. Please check the following examples for more details:

Restart List Numbering Dynamically using LINQ Reporting

You can restart list numbering within your documents dynamically using restartNum tags. In particular, this feature is useful when working with a nested numbered list within a data band. Continue reading Restarting List Numbering Dynamically.

Detect SmartArt Shape in Word Document

Starting from this release, you can detect SmartArt shape in Word document. You need to simply use the Shape.HasSmartArt property. This property returns true if this Shape has a SmartArt object. Continue reading Detect SmartArt Shape.

Get Revision Group Details

The Revision.Group property in Revision class can be used to get details if the revision belongs to any group. Its value will be null if the revision does not belong to any group. If the revision type is RevisionType.StyleDefinitionChange or if the revision no longer exists in document context (accepted/rejected) then it means that Revision has no group.

See also Useful Links

Keeping the Aspose tradition, you are welcome to shape the upcoming releases of Aspose.Words for Java API by posting your suggestions and concerns in the Aspose.Words for Java Support Forum.