Merge HTML Templates using C# with Aspose.HTML for .NET 19.5

Your applications can have wonderful features with Aspose.HTML for .NET 19.5. This version lets you create and manipulate HTML documents even better. We have simplified the API to make it more user friendly as you are at the center of our development. For instance, we have prepared a specialized Aspose.Html.Converters.Converter object to unify all conversion scenarios available with Aspose.HTML library. Following is the sample code explaining how this can be utilized:

HTML Template Merger for C#

Another milestone achieved with this release is the feature of Template Merger. It enables you to create HTML documents based on different templates and populate them from various data sources. For example, you may now merge HTML with JSON or XML as per your requirements or preferences. Such features make Aspose.HTML for .NET API stand out among other options you may think about. Below is an example for merging HTML with JSON:

A closer overview of this release can be found in Release Notes and working examples can be found in Example Project. We value and appreciate your participation in turning the API from good to great, so your feedback and suggestions are awaited in Aspose.HTML forum.