Convert Word to PCL using C++ with Aspose.Words for C++ 19.5

Guys, lets check out what’s new for you in Aspose.Words for C++ 19.5 release.

Convert Word to PCL in C++

Aspose.Words for C++ now provides support to save Word document to PCL (Printer Command Language). Aspose.Words can save documents to PCL 6 (PCL 6 Enhanced or PCL XL) format. PclSaveOptions class can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the PCL format. The following code example shows how to save the document to PCL using save options.

Additional Text Positioning in Word to PDF

We have added a AdditionalTextPositioning member in PdfSaveOptions class which can be used to specify whether to write additional text positioning operators or not. If you set it to true, then additional text positioning operators are written to the output PDF. This may help to overcome issues with inaccurate text positioning with some printers. The downside is the increased PDF document size.

Predefined Font FallBack Settings for Google Noto Fonts

We have added a new LoadNotoFallbackSettings member to FontFallbackSettings class that loads predefined fallback settings which uses Google Noto fonts. Google Noto are free fonts licensed under SIL OFL and can be downloaded from here ( Sample usage code is as follows:

Specify Unit of Measure to OpenDocument

We now provide a MeasureUnit option in OdtSaveOptions class to specify units of measure that can be applied to document content. Open Office uses centimeters when specifying lengths, widths and other measurable formatting and content properties in documents whereas MS Office uses inches. You can use OdtSaveOptions.MeasureUnit property to specify the unit of measure to apply to document content. The following code example shows how to use this property.

Prevent Embedding Fonts while saving Document into HtmlFixed

By default, Aspose.Words embed the fonts into the HtmlFixed file format. You can set the value of HtmlFixedSaveOptions.UseTargetMachineFonts property as true to prevent fonts from embedding into the HtmlFixed document. When the value of this property is true, the fonts from the target machine will be used to display the document.

Write all CSS Declarations of HtmlFixed Document into Single File

By default, Aspose.Words saves “@font-face” rules of HtmlFixed documents into a separate file “fontFaces.css” while other CSS declarations are written to “styles.css”. You can change this behavior by setting the value of HtmlFixedSaveOptions.SaveFontFaceCssSeparately property to false. This saves all CSS rules and declarations into the same file “styles.css”. Below code example shows how to save all CSS rules and declarations into one file.

How to Align Chart Label

If you want to set a text alignment for multi-line labels, you can simply achieve this by setting the value of ChartAxis.TickLabelAlignment property. The following code example shows how to tick label alignment.

See Also Useful Links

The resources, you may need to accomplish your tasks:

Keeping the Aspose tradition, you are welcome to shape the upcoming releases of Aspose.Words for C++ API by posting your suggestions and concerns in the Aspose.Words for C++ support forum.