Aspose.Words Express is discontinued

Edit (22 Feb 2019): Instead of Aspose.Words Express, we recommend to use our FREE Aspose.Words Conversion app for converting Word documents (DOC, DOCX, DOT, DOTX, RTF, ODT) to EPUB and many other formats. It supports latest versions of MS Word.

Hi Everyone,

It is to announce that we have discontinued Aspose.Words Express, a free desktop utility to convert DOC, DOCX, RTF, HTML and ODT formats to EPUB (an e-book file format). Aspose.Words Express was not being maintained for some time by Aspose.Words team due to other priority jobs and no support requests were also being received in our forums so finally it’s decided to discontinue Aspose.Words Express.

Still want to download Asopse.Words Express?

Aspose.Words Express is not hosted at any more however if you still want to download it, you may get it from or google to find other relevant links.