Support for .NET Standard 2.0 with Aspose.Tasks 18.12


We are excited to announce that Aspose.Tasks for .NET 18.12 has added support for .NET Standard 2.0. This release has also implemented various features for Style Customization for Custom Task Fields along with several other bug fixes reported that further enhance the stability of the API. For a detailed note on what is new and fixed, please visit the release notes section of API documentation.

Support for .NET Standard 2.0

We are pleased to announce that this month’s release has added the support of .NET Standard 2.0.  In this release, Style Customization features are implemented for Custom Task Fields, added calculation of ConstraintDate for all calculation modes and enhanced working with Custom Timephased Data for MPP/XML Files. We have also improved Working with Export to PDF along with other various improvements.

Improvements in Aspose.Tasks for .NET 18.12

This release of Aspose.Tasks for .NET API includes several improvements in terms of bug fixes. Following is a list of all the improvements in this month’s release.

  • Summary Task Calculation
  • Working with Task.IsExpanded Flag
  • Work Completion Percentage for milestone Tasks
  • Layout and Font Sizes while exporting to PDF
  • Reading sub projects from MS Project Server 2016
  • Reading exported project to PDF file on Foxit Reader
  • Resource Assignment

API Resources

You may visit the following API resources for getting started and working with the API.