Read Activity Codes for XER Files using Java

Aspose.Tasks for Java

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Tasks for Java 18.10. This release gives you the power to read activity codes for XER files and also brings several improvements to the API functionality in terms of enhancements. It also fixes issues reported with the earlier version of the API. For a detailed note on what is new and fixed, please visit the release notes section of API documentation.

Read Activity Codes for XER Files 

This month’s release introduces the ability to read activity codes for XER files and added recurring task parameters validation when creating a recurring task.

Other Improvements

This release also includes several improvements that further enhance the API functionality. Following is a list of all the improvements in this month’s release:

  • Scheduling of recurring daily task
  • Timephased data for material resource
  • Formula calculation
  • Loading MPP file
  • Custom fields’ values formatting while saving a project to PDF
  • Start of recurring task
  • Loading document in few threads
  • Loading MPP with project summary (Project 2016)
  • Number of task links after export
  • Unsupported comma in task summary while exporting to MPX format

API Resources

  • Product Documentation – Provides complete information about system requirements, installation, Programmer’s Guide, Technical articles and API Changes
  • API Reference Guide – Provides information about the product namespaces, classes and methods
  • GitHub Examples – Ready to download and execute examples of the API
  • Forum Support – Post your queries/inquiries on Aspose.Tasks forum to get support from our technical support team.