Read Activity Codes for XER Files with Aspose.Tasks for .NET 18.9

Read Activity Codes for XER Files

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Tasks for .NET 18.8. This release gives you the power to read activity codes for XER files. It also fixes several issues reported with the API that further enhance the stability of the API. For a detailed note on what is new and fixed, please visit the release notes section of API documentation.

Improvements in Aspose.Tasks for .NET 18.9

This release of Aspose.Tasks for .NET API introduces the ability to read activity codes for XER files. It adds many bug fixes which make the API a pleasure to use. Following is a list of all the changes in this month’s release.

  • Ability to read activity codes for XER files.
  • Scheduling of recurring daily tasks has been fixed.
  • Time-phased data for material resources has been fixed.
  • Issues with formula calculation have been fixed.
  • After exporting to MPX, the number of task links generated was wrong. This issue has also been addressed.
  • Exceptions while loading MPP files have been handled.
  • Custom fields’ values are now formatted properly when saved as PDF.

API Resources

You may visit the following API resources for getting started and working with the API.