Enhanced Barcode APIs With Aspose.BarCode for Java 18.5

Aspose.BarCode for Java Aspose.BarCode for Java 18.5 is available for download now. This is a maintenance release whereby we have resolved some incurring issues in API. Some of the functionality which were marked as obsolete have also been removed from the API in this release.

Issues Resolved

It was reported that GetCustomSizeBarCodeImage method is not working properly. It is discarding the check digit in the resultant image of barcode. After investigation this issue has been resolved. Now barcode generation process is working properly. Furthermore while we were investigating some issue internally, it was found that an incorrect/fake MicrE13B barcode detected by the API. This issue has also been resolved.

To view a complete list of enhancements and fixes, please visit the release notes page.

Aspose.BarCode for Java Resources

The following API resources can be of help to you in getting started with Aspose.BarCode: