Aspose.GIS for .NET has been launched!

We are pleased to announce the launch of Aspose.GIS for .NET API. It enables you to access and manipulate geographic information from vector based geo-spatial data formats. You can read, write & convert most popular GIS file formats such as ESRI Shapefile & GeoJSON from within your .NET applications without requiring any additional tools or software. It allows you to work with several different geometry types that can further be added as Features to Geo files.

Download Aspose.GIS for .NET

Aspose.GIS for .NET is available for download from You can use Microsoft Visual Studio’s Nuget Package Manager or use the console manager to use the API in your .NET application as explained in the installation guide.

API Documentation

You can get detailed information about the API by visiting the Aspose.GIS for .NET documentation. It is a complete guide about the API which helps you understand the requirements and features offered by the API. The documentation will be extended with more code samples and information with monthly releases of the API.

Supported File Formats

This initial launch of Aspose.GIS for .NET supports working with:

  • ESRI ShapeFile – a popular geospatial vector data format for geographic information systems (GIS)
  • GeoJSON – a format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures

Supported Geometries

Aspose.GIS for .NET supports wide range of geometry types. These include:

  • Point
  • Multipoint
  • LineString
  • MultiLineString
  • Polygon
  • MultiPolygon

The API lets you work with any of these geometry types in your applications. You can also make use of multiple geometry types to create the feature of your interest. Our documentation section, Working with Geometries, presents ready to run code samples that you can refer to for trying the same at your end.

Features Overview

Working with Layers

The API’s uniform model for working with ShapeFile and GeoJSON lets you work with these file formats without worrying about the internal file structure of these two formats. It provides the capability to:

  • Single API for reading multiple Geographic file formats
  • Create ESRI Shape and GeoJSON File Formats
  • Read ESRI Shape File and GeoJSON files
  • Get features count from Shape File
  • Retrieve Attributes information from Shape File
  • Iterate over all features of a layer
  • Get values of feature attributes from a layer
  • Filter features by attribute value
  • Extract features from Shape file and export to GeoJSON format
  • Specify attribute value length
  • Check feature for null values
  • Convert polygon shape file to string shape file

Inter-Conversion between File Formats

Not only Aspose.GIS for .NET supports working with ShapeFile and GeoJSON file formats, it also provides the capability to inter-convert between these two formats. You can use the API to:

  • Convert between ESRI ShapeFile and GeoJSON file formats with few simple lines of code
  • Control Attributes information adjustment during conversion from GeoJSON to Shape File

Ready to Run Examples

Don’t want to get through all the setting up thing? Head on to our examples repository on Github where you can get ready to run examples project for Visual Studio for trying the API. All you need to do is download the example project, compile it and run the example of your choice.

Got Questions?

We’re open to feedback! Visit the Asopse.GIS forum and tell us what we can do to make Aspose.GIS fit your needs better. You can share your findings, difference of results, new feature requests and inquiries with us via this forum. This will help us improve the overall Product quality and usability in terms of usage.

API Resources