Fix for Mac and Other Enhancements in Aspose.Cells for JavaScript via Java 17.12

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Cells for JavaScript via Java 17.12. This release includes a number of features, enhancements and bug fixes which further improve the overall stability and usability of the API. Aspose.Cells for JavaScript via Java has almost full functionality of Aspose.Cells for Java with a few limitations, minor API changes and additional requirements. See the following release notes on major features and other improvements for your reference.
Aspose.Cells for JavaScript via Java 17.12 release notes

This release includes an important fix for using Aspose.Cells for JavaScript via Java on Mac environment. Since the code base of Aspose.Cells for JavaScript via Java is derived from its parent Aspose.Cells for Java, so most of the features, changes, enhancements and fixes included in the Aspose.Cells for Java v17.12 are also included in this Aspose.Cells for JavaScript via Java release. Both Aspose.Cells for Java and Aspose.Cells for JavaScript via Java share the same Docs. Please check the list of document/articles added for the new release in the Aspose.Cells for Java Wiki Docs:

Aspose.Cells for JavaScript via Java Resources

The following are the links to some useful resources you may need to accomplish your tasks.