Aspose.Words 10.1 Delivers 101 Issues Resolved

As discussed earlier, we are now releasing Aspose.Words for .NET and Java:

  • Both .NET and Java versions on the same day, with the same functionality and fixes
  • Regularly on the 30th day of each month

You can find the downloads here:


Field Update and Table Of Contents (TOC) Improvements

Aspose.Words provides a unique feature that is not available anywhere else except in Microsoft Word itself. Aspose.Words can update most of the fields in a document and do that in the way exactly like Microsoft Word would have done that.

For example, you can assemble a document in your Java or .NET application, then insert a TOC field programmatically and execute com.aspose.words.Document.updateFields() and bang! The TOC is generated for the entire document and includes correct formatting and page numbers. This is done by Aspose.Words as part of your application. No Microsoft Word automation is used.

The field update feature in Aspose.Words is quite mature, but our customers continue to come up with even more complex or tricky documents that require more fidelity improvements and fixes that we are glad to do. This release includes about 20 such fixes.


Aspose.Words for Java 1.4 SDK is back

We have finally managed to build Aspose.Words JAR for Java 1.4. Had difficulties and no time to do that in 10.0, but resolved now. Surprisingly, this version is still in high demand.


Is the number of resolved issues in this version really 101?

Yes, the number of issues resolved in Aspose.Words for .NET 10.1 is really 101.

N.B. There are also 33 Java-specific issues resolved in Aspose.Words for Java.